Saturday, August 25, 2012

PCAGOE Challenge ~ Metallics ~ My Entry

This Month PCAGOE ~ Polymer Clay Artists Guild of Etsy is having a Challenge
The challenge is Polymer Clay Creations ~ Inspiration ~ Metallics
You create & add your design to Flickr
On Sept 1-7 everyone can vote and pick a winner.
The members pick a winner and the public pick a winner.
When the public votes they can win a prize from one of the sponsoring Artits.
So Dont forget to Vote on Sept 1

Metallics ? Clay, Shimmer, One of a Kind Design, Hmmm What to create?

Polymer Clay Books by CForiginals
Amazing inspiration & wonderful Tutorial Books
To Purchase: Click The LINK below
Polyform Products ~ Premo Metallics Polymer Clay (my favorite)
Who wouldn't think Premo if you hear Metallics.
To Purchase Sculpey/Premo Clays the best prices I have found is


Bling always inspires me. The more the better. Swarovski crystals swim around in my head as I sleep.

Dragons make me think Fire ~ Swarovski Fireballs are a must
Black Diamond Chaton Swarovski Crystals
Now on to my Challenge Entry

I must give credit to the wonderful people that created products for me to use.
click the highlighted tools to find where to purchase them

Premo Clay # 5026 Pomegranate
Premo Clay # 5129 Silver Accents
Premo Clay # 5519 Bronze Accents
Tools :
Swarovski Fire Ball 18mm
Swarovski Black Diamond multiple sizes
My Dragon Wing Polymer Cane (tutorial coming soon)
Now for the Reveal of My "Black Diamond"
This is "Black Diamond" an old sole, a divine and strong Metallic Dragon. He guards his stones with honor and Love.
This is my challenge entry for the PCAGOE Metallic challenge for September 2012.
" Black Diamond "



Well that's my Dragon he was so fun to make. I had a wonderful clay day and was so relaxed creating him.
I created a clay cane for the wings and ears and used the ends of the cane
 to form his body so the body is a mixed swirling effect of the colors.
It looks awesome up close. Shimmers and very metallic.
I added black tiger eye beads for eyes.
Swarovski Crystal Fire Ball is being held in his tail , he keeps it safe from harm. 
 Lots of old bumps on this old dragon are filled with gorgeous Swarovski Black Diamonds.
Hence the name "Black Diamond".
 I created a bail out of clay and put braided leather necklace on my dragon necklace.
 I created my own clay bead caps to match the dragon on the necklace.
He is very lightweight I was surprised.  I wore him around today and enjoyed him.
I really enjoyed using Cfoiginals and Penni Jo's Tools with this project.
Every tool works so well making amazing affects and details on every part of my dragon.
What is wonderful about Premo accents you don't have to do anything they are metallic and gorgeous.
I love them. I truly enjoyed this project and have ideas for lots of brothers and sisters for " Black Diamond " .
  I made a tutorial while creating on how to make the dragon wing cane.
I will finish that up and post it a few days.
Its a easy way to add a mix of colors to a wing or ear that is more detailed than a skinner blend.
I was happy with it and excited to make many more dragons.  

Soon there will be a voting on this challenge, Anyone can vote between Sept 1st - Sept 7th.
I will be sure to remind everyone to vote when it is posted on the site.
The link to the voting Site ~ The Entrants are not up yet but you can look at the great group

To view all the other amazing entry's Please visit flicker.
 Click on my Flickr Button Below and it will take you right to the challenge link
you can view the album full of all the amazing Clay Creations ~ Metallics
Well I'm off to create one more challenge piece for Polyform Products.
I need to fine tune the details on my Challenge entry for ArtBeadScene too.
I finished up my 10 Bracelets for the Gala Event for 7000 Bracelets for Hope
I will be blogging and revealing the huge bead soup for the Gala Event Tomorrow.
I have three tutorials I'm working on and hope to have them finished this week.
So keep stopping back for fun free tutorials.

Blessings to All and Many Thanks for Supporting Me and Handcrafted Artisans
To find me and my Jewelry Designs, Gifts & Custom Order Requests

Come stop by my Facebook & LIKE my page. After 100 Likes I will be doing a gift Certificate Giveaway.
Share the giveaway and have them post on my Like page that you sent them
Then you could win another gift certificate.
So go LIKE


Create With Heart, Love, Color & Bling



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Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

He looks great.