Today is One of the Most Exciting Days of My Life
Opening Your Mailbox,
Opening Your Mail,
Seeing your Face in A Magazine.
Many Months Ago while browsing my facebook,
I found a post on a barrette that I had made.
Quote From Facebook Post

Well Guess What I did?
After I screamed and Danced Around and Did the Superstar!
I Said YES!!! Of course I said yes. Dream Come True.
Excited, Honored and Nervous.
I was and am still an armature Polymer Clay Artist.
These Wonderful Ladies have made me feel like a Star.
Two Amazing Polymer Clay Artists & Authors of
These ladies are Kind, Patient and Lets face it have an eye for Beauty ;) ! LOL
They truly do, Their magazine is wonderful.
Early In 2012 I had purchased
From Polymer To Art " This is Not Orange "
Because my Favorite Clay Artist Was in it
After I received the magazine I was hooked.
Each Page is full of Bright Inspiration. Full Color Photo Tutorials.
Amazing Polymer Clay Artisans on Every Page.
The Thought never crossed my mind that I could be one of them Someday.
I now look forward to every issue.
Thank you Saskia and Marjon
Thank you everyone at From Polymer To Art
For this opportunity, I am honored.
I feel blessed and beyond thrilled.
Sending you lots of love and hugs from the USA.
Thank you for believing in me.
After many months of nervous and excited anticipation
Here I am
This is Not Pink
From Polymer To Art
August 2012
On August 29th, 2012
I received this fabulous Email
"Dear Kimberly Idalski,
We are very happy to announce that PINK is ready to rock `n roll!
Think PINK is the message! :)
My Response "More like Bifocals ~ I'm old " lol.
Put those Bifocals on and I can see little ol me on there.
I cant explain the feeling. I cried, I laughed, I sang.
Again Thank You. I'm So Truly Honored & Blessed.
I Could not believe all the beauty (Pink is my favorite color)
So many Amazing Artists and Gorgeous Tutorials.
I was so excited. I stalked the mail lady.
Patiently waiting for it to be here.
Today Sept 4, 2012 I got up to get ready.
I'm a dork and match everything around my jewelry.
It was my sons Orientation for 7th Grade.
I thought I'm going to wear my PINK barrette and sweater for luck.
Got in the Jeep and checked the mailbox.
My daughter holds up the Magazine.
I was so excited I actually hugged an kissed it. Yes I know I'm a dork.
I had Ashley take a photo Right away (Bad hair day but I don't care ~ I'm happy)
I didn't have time to even open it. I had to wait 4 hours. UGH Pure Torture.
Knowing it was there drove me crazy.
I kept singing, I'm in a magazine, I'm in a magazine.
My poor kids, LOL. Lots of eye rolls going on.
Lots of hugs and congratulations too.
730pm Finally home ~ Tore open the plastic cover and Posed for this photo.
Sang the I'm in a magazine song about a thousand more times.
I wonder why everyone went to be early. hmmm
I curled up with the best thing I have ever read in my life and enjoyed my Evening.
This Wonderful Note was inside.
It Says " Thanks For Pink "
" Happy Claying"
Saskia & Marjon
Again A million Thank yous to Both of you Lovely Ladies.
I look forward to the next issue.
To Purchase Your Own Subscription or Single Issues
Here are the Links for your Areas:
USA: www.polkadotcreations.com
CZ: www.nemravka.cz
CAN: www.shadesofclay.com
GER: www.polymerclay.de
GER: www.claystyle.de
SK: www.spirea.sk
AU: www.polymerclay.com.au
AU: www.thewhimsicalbead.com.au
Thank you Everyone for Supporting Me & Handcrafted Artisans
Blessings & Love,
Create With Heart, Love, Color & Bling