Polymer Clay Artisan's from all over the World
Join together to swap designs
I'm honored to be part of this amazing group
of very talented Artists.
We all love the medium and we vary from
Beginner to Master.
Welcome to Our Fairy Door Swap
for the Year of 2012

Who can participate??? Hmm do you like clay? Play with clay??
Then come Join in on our next swap.
It will be starting soon.
Here is the link to join the group.
No spam please. Just Clay lovers Welcome.
to read more about the group and see the 249 members
It is fun. You don't pick who you swap with.
It is chosen randomly.
That's the fun part.
You never know what or who you may trade with.
Everyone is kind and helpful.
This is results from our Third Swap.
Our swap is Fairy Doors
I'm so happy to introduce to you my Swap Partner
Chibi Ilenia
My Partner Ilenia lives in Parma, Italy
She shares a Biography:
"Biography: Born in Colorno (Parma, Italy) in 1973,
studies in the arts,
I love
the cinema of science fiction,
fantasy and detective stories,
drawing, making
things by hand (any hobby!)
I love shoes, I wear big necklaces,
I like dragons,
I would like many cats, I like pizza and chocolate"
She has been a Polymer Clay Artist for many years.
She is a Master Artist in this Craft.
She has many many creative talents along with Polymer
Ilena Says this about herself and her many talents:
"I’m just a creative who has the chance to create many things in life ..!
and produce clothes and costumes for theater,
role play and live reenactment,
along with jewelry and accessories strange,
mostly in modeling clay, felt,
fabric and beads"
I think she is being very modest. Her designs in every medium
Can be summed up in one word AMAZING!!!
I will have to say I was a bit worried when I found out how
talented my partner is. Once I talked to her on Facebook,
I relaxed and was honored to be her partner.
She is a lovely person to talk to and I am honored to call her friend.
Before we get to the swap.
I would love to share some of Ilena's work.
Some of Ilena's Gorgeous Unique Jewelry

Ilena's Awesome Dragons and Amazing Creatures

Ilena's Accessories she Creates
Ilena's Beautiful Clothing and Costumes
There is more and more.
The beautiful list goes on. I'm so proud to own some of her creations.
To find Ilena and Her business Leggende Segrete
which means in Italian.
She has an amazing Website : http://www.leggendesegrete.com/
Learn from Ilena : Her amazing Polymer Tutorials on Etsy
Ilena on Facebook
Leggende Segrete On Facebook
Now for the amazing Fairy Door
that I received.
What I love about her work.
You not only see the texture and techniques
They have an amazing real feeling.
It is delightful and truly amazing.
I'm so inspired by her.
Its gorgeous. I could not be happier.
I loved it and squealed like a child when
I opened my package.
We also Decided to Trade a 2 inch square.
A square of something we like to create that is our style.
Wow the one she sent me is so amazing.
It looks and feels real.
Is this Dragon Cool or What. Wowowowow
I had to fight my kids to keep him.
She sent me a beautiful gift.
I cant thank her enough for her generosity
I love the techniques she used.
I keep feeling it and wondering how did she make that.
I think I need to beg for the tips :)...
A beautiful set of felt wings brooch with a Polymer front.
The polymer has circles of texture and on the bottom
there is purple texture. Its amazing and beautiful.
I wish I could fly to Italy to give her a hug
and settle down for days of private lessons.
The pin technique is gorgeous.
The photos do not do it justice.
Its several layers and you can see the intricate
details in each layer from the top.
Its BEAUTIFUL or BELLO in Italian :) !!
Until I saw her door I thought I had done well. LOL
Now I wish I had added more texture and other materials.
I'm still learning and I'm amazed at the textures hers had.
So here is mine. I thought it was clever.
I liked it and she says she loves it so that makes me happy.
I was in such a rush to send it
I wish I had taken time to play with
Cf Originals Swellegant and made more texture
But this is it and I did have fun making it.
In person it looks really cool and my camera
makes it look a little to bright.
I hope Ilenia likes it and finds a special place for it.
See you can peek in the windows.
Hey I thought it was cool. lol
Here is the 2 inch square I sent her.
My Favorite Clay technique
is clay applique or Clay embroidery.
Polymer Flowers and Swarovskis.
I also sent her a Clay Applique Pendant.
I was happily creating and wanted to send her a gift.
Something as lovely as her.
She loved it and said she would wear it on the New Year.
She is so delightful to talk to and I'm so happy with our exchange.
I would love to share the other Artists doors.
I don't have all of their information.
But I thought everyone deserved to have
more exposure for their amazing work.
I hope when they stop by they leave their links
so that you can stop by their blogs or pages to see their work.
Fairy Door made by
Fairy Door made by
Fairy door made by
Fairy door by Katie Oskin for
Fairy door by Kelly Krogman Steindorf
for Katie Oskin
Fairy Door made by
Fairy Door made by
There are still a few more Fairy doors flying out there.
I will be sure to update and share as they are posted.
I hope you enjoyed the amazing art by all of our beautiful Artists.
I would be honored if all of you Joined and became a member
Of my blog so that others may find you.
Or I will happily add you to my list of blogs
that is located on the bottom left of my blog page.
Leave a comment and share.
I made this blog to promote our group.
To invite more artists to come join the fun.
To share every ones amazing creations.
To promote for each artist.
To make everyone smile.
When I saw each door I smiled and loved them.
I hope you did too.
I posted this blog and Ilenias door photo in the swap.
I was without a laptop and couldn't do it sooner.
I was talked to and mistreated by a few of the artists
about posting the blog instead of just a photo.
That having to read this blog and scroll so long
was not what they wanted to do.
I have taken their beautiful doors off so that they
are not bothered by the blog nor any of its feedback.
I wouldn't want them to be bothered by potential buyers
or possibly a magazine because they created something
very wonderful. So to those that felt me blogging
for them was not a good thing. I hope you are much more
pleased now that your not on here. I apologize for
free advertisement, for being a nice person and God forbid
sharing a beautiful creation.
To all of you that love creating. Keep on claying.
Be happy not negative. Claying makes me happy.
It makes me want to share it with the world and
want everyone to try it. Negativity and hurtful things
get you nothing in life but misery. So I will let misery
keep company with themselves. I'm off to clay and be happy.
Hugs to all. Lets Swap ..
I hope you enjoyed our swap.
I hope that it encourages any clay artist from any skill level
To join our group and swap with us.
Come have some fun
Meet some amazing artists that love to do what you do.
Clay Happy.
Thank you for Supporting me and Handmade
Blessings and Love,
To Shop with me Please check out my Sites
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Join my Blog to win a Giveaway SOON!!!!
Create With Heart, Color, Love and Bling