This is the Beautiful Window Ornament That I received from Tina Holden an Artisan from Canada.
I was getting very upset and worried. I sent my window ornament to Tina two weeks early and Priority Mail.
Which was a small fortune. But I was so excited and wanted it to be there by August 15th.
Here it is August 24 and Im in tears writing this and she still doesnt have it.
I checked the tracking label. Last shown on the 7th in Grand Rapids Michigan.
Nothing else. I have chewed off all my finger nails and a few tears.
I pray please please get there.
When I talked to Tina she didnt give me alot of ideas. I teach Polymer clay and we had been working on Birds.
I love beards. Three Parrotts and they are usually on my shoulder while I create.
Here are two of them Goobers & Sweetie.
Goobers the Quaker Parrot, walking around in my Photo box so He got his first professional Photo.
His Name: I love goobers peanut/jelly mix well I eat it constant. I said Ill name him after my favorite thing
not peanuts, Goobers :). It stuck. He likes to sing his name in a girls voice and in my husbands voice he tells me to be good. lol
Sweetie the Sun Conure Purched on my knee. She likes her photo taken. She is a love bug. She barks like a dog and says Hello, she likes to flirt and squack more talk right now but Im working with her.
This is me on a normal day. One on each side. I usually have some pony bead or wooden bead jewelry on for them to play with but I took it off for the photo because I didnt want someone to think that is the jewelry I create and sell. LOL
I do have a new Parrot her name is Peanut, She is a Quacker Parrot like Goobers but is blue. I will post photos soon.
Anyways. On to my .......
I did some research on where Tina is from, British Columbia, Canada. Beautiful Photos, Wow.
I looked up their Symbols. When I saw this Bird I knew I found What I wanted to Create.
Pure Beauty, British Columbias Bird is called the
Steller's Jay
Gorgeous. I had so many Ideas. I love to sculpt animals. So I knew that was going to be the focal part.
I love flowers. So I looked up their flower,
Pacific Dogwood
Simple but elegant. Yes Just what I need.
So I started Sculpting a Tree , I wanted a love knot of wood, if you look close you can see the heart in the center and the details up close are so pretty. I was excited because I made my very first wood cane and was proud it turned out gorgeous.
Then I twisted it up into a tree and you cant really see the amazing detail until you hold it in your hand.
But I know its there, thats all that matters. lol
I sculpted everything by hand, Tree, Branches, Pacific Dogwood Flower, Steller's Jay Birds. Everything is hand created except for the birds eye which is a lamp work glass bead and of course the pretty crystal dangles that glisten in the sun and chain that the Window Ornament is hung from.
Im proud of this. The birds have so much detail. The birds coloring is a cane I made that was zig zagged in blues and black hues like the photo of the bird. I just loved making them. I was going to make a baby next but It just looked elegant and pretty just like it was so I stopped. Sometimes better to stay with what looks good. I was sad to let it go. I had it hung on my window for two days to make sure it was safe to hang and sadly it was. Lol. I will be creating one for me. But with my parrots on it.
I hope you love it Tina I put alot of heart and love into it and thought hard about what to make for you and Im so glad I did a little bit of history about where you live because it was very inspiring.
I call this " Steller's Jay on a Dogwood Day"
Leave a comment If you would like. I would love to hear your thoughts.
My Window Ornament Finally arrived to Canada. I was so worried that it was lost.
Tina says on Facebook "Hubby just got back from the Post Office with a huge package! Kimmy ( Kimberly Idalski ) Your Stellar Jays pair on Dogwood Tree have made it to BC and they are the most beautifully sculpted birds and flowers! ♥♥♥ it so much. Will try and post some photos for you guys asap. Kimmy your stationary is quite beautiful too."
I am just so glad the birdys got there. I loved them and so happy they flew in safely.
Please Join in and Follow the Blog Hop to See all the Amazing Window Ornaments.
Listed below is the Name of the Artist and the link to their Blog.
Their partner is listed in ( ) so you know who swaped with who.
Happy Blog Hopping.
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Blog Hop List:
Alenka Obid http://
Kimberly Idalski http://
Vanessa Betcher
Leila Bidler -
Anne Roncalli
Nadia Gennari
Manon van Kempen:
Ilenia Moreni:
Leila Bidler
Anne Roncalli http://
Nadia Gennari
Manon van Kempen:
Ilenia Moreni: http://
Thank You For Stopping By & For Supporting Me and Handcrafted Artisans
Create With Heart, Love, Color & Bling
Kimmy, you are so sweet and generous! You took such care in blogging about our swap and about me! Thank you so much!!
Fans like you makes my crafting so much more enjoyable and like you said it's also therapeutic, for anyone really, whether it's dealing with pain issues or just feeling good about making something for others to enjoy.
I would love for you to link this post to my Back to School Traditions link up
christmas gifts
I really like your collection of jewelry&gifts. Do you have some more unique ideas for Send gifts to Pakistan?
Both of you created beautiful inspiring pieces of Art. I'm so thankful for talented artist like you, for sharing, teaching, and inspiring me as I grow with my polymer clay skills.
First time that I fell upon your blog, and I must say it's very interesting and informative. I like it a lot. Keep up the good work done on the blog.
Rejuvenate Vita
"Unique-Styled Gifts At Affordable Prices"
Wow, Kim, that is an amazing sculpture you created based on Tina's local flora and fauna. It is so life-like! I have enjoyed Tina's blog for some time but I somehow missed this challenge. I agree, Tina is exceptionally talented and her gift to you is awesome (hope she teaches it, also).
Hi Kimmy first of all thanks for hoping over to my blog and leaving me a comment!
I am impressed with the effort and time you put into your post about Tina. I am fortuante to know her in person and she is an amazing person and artist!
I love the birds you created for the ornament swap some wonderful detail there!
Hi Kimmy first of all thanks for hoping over to my blog and leaving me a comment!
I am impressed with the effort and time you put into your post about Tina. I am fortuante to know her in person and she is an amazing person and artist!
I love the birds you created for the ornament swap some wonderful detail there!
Hi Kimmy first of all thanks for hoping over to my blog and leaving me a comment!
I am impressed with the effort and time you put into your post about Tina. I am fortuante to know her in person and she is an amazing person and artist!
I love the birds you created for the ornament swap some wonderful detail there!
Lovely Blog Kim ! And thanks for watching mine! We are a great group of polymerclay artist ! it's a pleisure to see all this wonderful work, blog and artist toghether! Big hugs from Italy !
Both of you created beautiful inspiring pieces of Art!!you want to send these jewelry design as giftsto your loved onces..
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