Sunday, May 11, 2014

CzeXtruder HD Review

A few more amazing tool by the
Lucy Clay Tools Company.

ALL CzeXtruder upgrades are SILVER in the USA




 A few short months back I was sent the HD Czextruder. It is so hard to keep something so amazing secret. I did not think it would be ready for production so soon. I was asked by a few why I didn't mention it when they purchased the original version. Some things are supposed to be kept between the manufacturer and I until they are ready to be sold. You must understand that as they ask me to try the tools months in advance and we go through test trials to get them to the right specifications. Try to get proper instructions ready and many made so that they are ready for all distributors. This process takes time. I appreciate your understanding and I am very honest with my buyers if I am asked it this is the best item for them I always tell the truth. If I know they have problems and need the HD I told them to wait. Since the first version and the HD are both amazing products I myself like both. I use both even still so to tell each person that there is a HD was not reasonable as the original was truly suitable for all clayers needs including my own. The HD is truly an upgrade of strength. WOW is it strong.

 I also appreciate the companys trust in me to try the products first most times before distributing them. I have been blessed that they trust in me and also take my advice and requests for change or updates at times. Sometimes another persons perspective on something makes it better in the long run. I truly only had one upgrade request, I asked for an updated top cap (I wanted it to where the Jam nut did NOT go into the cap) and that was updated. It was not a defective part of any tool just an upgrade I envisioned happening as it would be easier for customers to use. The only difference in what I sell to the buyers and what is sold in other shops is that, I do not sell in the USA, is I do NOT include the sticker any longer in my shipments to customers. The company met every request I made and WOW WOW did they meet them. The Hd czextruder and the HD double vise is amazing. The vise really made me happy as I wanted a little more support for the xxl Czextruders and they made it just how I dreamed. I love it.

 I am thrilled that the HD was ready for distribution when I was ready to fly to Florida for a vacation of clay and fun.  I was able to purchase the items for many and take them with me to the polymer retreat aka Fandango in Florida this May. I am very pleased with everything and I think you the artists will as well. Like I said its hard to keep a new exciting tool a secret, but I managed and experimented as asked and truly I am impressed with the upgrade.
What does HD stand for?


Heavy Duty Thread. I have been asked is it really that much of a difference in the thread. YES! There were requests for a stronger thread as some work with the heavier clays like Kato and sometimes Fimo Classic clay. The Designer for the company, daughter of the owner, Lucie herself uses only Kato clay when she creates and extrudes so the upgrade was created for all of us and her as well. What an awesome thing to have a dream of a tool and ask your father for it and he creates an amazing design. Lucie and her Father George are an amazing team. An artist and an engineer with vision. I see many wonderful things in the future and know many new secrets that are to come. ;)

Plus don't be afraid to ask for something, through me or the company. I am always happy to send ideas to them. I do that often myself as I see special needs that we as clayers need or want. Ideas and wishes are always welcome. Send messages to my email or Lc tools admin.

Below emails: or

You asked and the LC Tool Company listened and created just what everyone was looking for. A robust version of the Czextruder as they call it, I would describe it as Strong and Stable.  I found that with the thread thicker there was no lag at all when extruding. If you have really soft clay in there you can go a little clay silly and shoot it out like silly string when using the drill. Don't get to crazy and shoot clay all over, it can be messy. On a serious note, the thread and the plunger inside push the clay so easily that you are not working hard at all to create something amazing. An amazing Extruder and Awesome original Lcdisks you create canes and extruded shapes in just minutes, with little to no effort. Beautiful Extruded art in seconds. 
 A few questions were asked of me?? Does the larger thread make it the handle or extruder harder to use? No it does NOT make it harder to turn the crank handle. To me it seems easier. The thread is almost the full size of the inside of the extruder chamber so there is not much wiggle room so the Extruder is incredibly stable and the handle threads on the end as it did with the second version and once the Jam nut is tightened in place its dream Extruding. Hook it up to the drill and it is so incredibly easy and smooth to use. It just pushes the clay in my eyes faster and easier. I truly am impressed by the way the thread has increased the speed and quality of clay you extrude with very little effort by me the user by hand or with a drill.
As you all know I am disabled. I have very little strength in my hands and having to work with clay that is hard to extruder was virtually impossible until I found the Czextruder. All Models truly work with all clay but extruding Kato some say is hard. I find Fimo Classic is a bit more difficult to work with than any clay when extruding. I have a hard time conditioning Fimo Classic, the new Kato formula is amazing to work with. I even tried the Fimo Professional and truly all of the clays extrude like a dream with any Czextruder but the HD makes it extrude like butter. I found in past extruding before the Czextruder that all clay was more of an effort and with the second version of the Czextruder it was difficult at times with some clay. Premo is MY choice of clay. I do not ever have any problems using premo it is amazing for extrusion, all clays truly now and always have extruded like a dream with the czextruder, the HD just makes it even easier.  So if you want easy and fast extruding the HD Czextruder is for you.
I also wanted to note that its quality materials, steel and not a plastic attachment that you hook up to a drill. Its steel and does not break like other plastic or aluminum models on the market. It is a quality tool that will last you a life time if you take care of it.
I did use the LC lubricant more often with the HD. It didn't require me to but since it was such a large thread I wanted to start from the beginning taking care of it properly and found that it really makes it smooth extruding for all extruders. Just a little dab on the thread in a few spots, I spin the cap from top of the thread to the bottom and it distributes the lubricant evenly and it really helps the process plus takes good care of the thread.


One of my favorite HD parts is the new upgraded HD XXL Vise and Base. It is an upgrade I asked for and the company created it and it works amazing. I found with the XXL and the first vise that if extruding for long periods of time the longer xxl extruder seemed to not be as sturdy as I wanted it to be. I felt it needed another section of something to hold up the end towards the cap and handle. The company truly came through with this new vise. It is for the XXL Czextruders only. The 2nd version and the new Hd Czextruders. You put the 1st vise section which is threaded in the middle on the base with two hex screws and wing nuts (no tools necessary-hand tighten only). Then add the 2nd vise section which is an rubber protective O ring vise (two hex screws and tighten down with two wing nuts). Then add your LCDisk of choice to the threaded front vise, put your plunger in your Czextruder, add your clay, put the XXL Czextruder through the O ring vise then in thread it into the 1st vise by turning it easily in place of the threaded cap. Your XXL is then totally secure and strong and you can extrude for hours with No effort at all. Its an Awesome tool. I love it. I love that I could stand there all day and extrude with no pain and no effort. Thrilled with this great new upgrade. HD I think should stand for Heavenly Device. Because I am in extruder heaven when I am working with lucy clay tools.
Yes I am a distributor and sell them but truly as most customers know I am beyond honest when it comes to everything I sell and do. If I don't like something or think something needs improvement I say so. This HD Czextruder and New HD vise are a home run in the clay tool game and I am proud to be part of the LC team.
There were only 20 of the tools to go around. At the time of writing this blog I have place the pre-order for all the customers that were able to order first and I believe I have one of each size extra coming that are not sold. In a few weeks there will be more and I will have them in stock all of the time. I am so excited about them arriving in the USA and cant wait to hear what all of you think of them as well. I look forward to hearing your comments. Feel free to share your feelings here on my blog or my facebook page. I cant wait to see what you all make.

Guess what I have the XXL CzeXtruder and HD vise now in stock

click photos below to get yours.

Upgrades are out of stock and coming soon if pre ordered. Pre order the LC SLICER with the new LC BLADE UPGRADE

Below is an Extrodinary talented artists designs made with the Green new LCDisk #5, Lucie Struncova has create some fun free tutorials for all of us to create with. Enjoy and please stop by to thank her for her generosity and if you want to learn even more amazing unique designs buy her tutorial on Etsy or the E-shop. Her designs are unique fun and beautiful. I am proud to call her my dear friend and work partner. She is saving to come to the USA to travel to clay retreats and possibly come teach here. Help her reach that goal by buying her tutorial and following her on Facebook to support her amazing growth and talent as an artist. 

I am so amazed by all the fun designs that can be created with just one disk and there is so much more left to try and do. I cant wait to see what comes up next. Below click on the photos to take you to the tutorial that is free.  Lucie has generously created and shared her ideas and tutorials for free on her blog for all of us to create with and try.
To view Lucie's blog and all the amazing tutorials
Click below
All you need to create these amazing designs are
A Czextruder, Lcdisk #5, clay of choice and your hands.

To buy in the USA?

My Artfire shop click below on photos:




1 comment:

Jean A. Wells Handcrafted Jewelry said...

I came here looking for the BSBP reveal. I couldn't find it. I'm sorry if I overlooked it.