Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lucy Clay Tools ~ Vise ~ Blog Review and How to video

Lucy Clay Tools Presents
The Lucy Clay Vise
Available in the USA In November 2013
Please note the videos will be added on Nov 1st. I had it finished but found out about a new addition and I would like to add that to the video. So coming soon. :)

Lucy Clay Vise will be in the USA soon and available in many colors.
Red, Magenta, Yellow, Pink and Teal
Soon in my shop
Or purchase in the Czech Republic at

I wanted to show how the new tools all work via Video. So this is my attempt to do so as all the prior ones of people taking my video did not work. So I was up coughing and decided to figure out how to use my webcam. It worked, :).  So I will be making many videos soon.
Please forgive my looks, voice and coughing, clearing my throat as I am recovering from Pneumonia and still feel horrible.
But nothing makes you feel better than clay and new tools for clay. So here we go. It is in two parts because of operator error. I have a new drill and I am not used to it so I had to stop because I malfunctioned! I want my old huge drill back. I will get my old drill out for the next demo video as I know how to use that one. I found out my new cute girly drill is not enough power to use on an extruder. Last time I listen to my hubby on a purchase. I will get my craftsman out and use it on the extruder/drill video. Coming soon. It wasn't operator error at all. Was purchase of the wrong drill :(.. Oh well will work great for beads and other things in my polymer work.
Also please be sure to follow our Facebook page
I am joining as Admin there and will be posting photos, tips, techniques and a lot of free tutorials and demos of all the new tools that are going to be available via Lucy Clay Tools
Stop by and Like our page and sharing is appreciated

My videos of Lucy Clay Vise Demo.
Please remember I'm sick so not at my best.
But love the tools so want to share.


My video how to use the Lucy Clay Vise and Review.
 * video post will be added soon.
Demo Video of Lucy Clay Tools, Vise by
USA Distributor ~ Kimberly Idalski
October 2013
Part 1

Video post will be added soon
Part 2
Demo Video of Lucy Clay Tools, Vise by
USA Distributor ~ Kimberly Idalski
October 2013

My Review of the New Lucy Clay Vise

1) compact and lightweight

2)durable and strong

3) very easy to use

4) works with you on any work space. Clamps down easily.

5) hooks up to the czextruder so easily.

6) very sturdy when screwed down with the supplied wing nuts and screws or with any type of clamp you choose

7) portable which is a huge bonus

8) love the colors :)  Magenta who doesn't love that

9) Many options of where to put the vise.

10) low price. Most vises like the one I have for my old extruders are $40-60

11) the extruder does NOT move when it is in the vise. Other vises your extruder slips out mid extrusion and this vise it screws into the center like a cap and holds it tight. Works great with your extruder and a drill or the T-handle or the new crank handle.  I love it.

12) Its small. Bonus does not take up much room on your work space.
13) Another amazing Top Quality tool by Lucy Clay Tools. I am honored to be part of this team and sell them in the USA. I am so proud of the products they create. They truly do work amazing.

To Pre-Order the Vise to arrive in November 2013

go to my

To view other ways to use your Lucy Clay Vise please view the photos below provided by Lucy Clay Tools, Inc.

Thank you for stopping by and for your support. If you have any questions please


Lucy Clay Slicer
Will arrive very soon

To find and purchase all the amazing Lucy Clay Tools and Accessories please stop by my shop. I will ship worldwide if your country is not on the shipping list. I am happy to help anyone get these amazing tools in their clay tool kit.


Create With Heart, Love, Color and Bling


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