Welcome to my Page.
I am celebrating the news that I do not have Breast Cancer.
I feel so blessed. My prayers were answered.
Don't want to hear the mushy stuff :) you may scroll down. This is just my thank you and little scary story. Just note. Please get your yearly checks. It could save your life.
I have been absent a lot this year. I have had several surgeries, 44 to date since 2005 because of my car accident and other complications since then. I thought I was finally time to get better. I know I have a future of many surgeries because of my car accident. But I thought I would have a good spring and summer off for 2013.
May 2013 I found a lump in my breast. When you find one your in shock, then denial, then fear sinks in. Reality sets in even faster. It overtakes your life you cant seem to think about anything else. I was away from home on a mini vacation with my kids, no one to talk to because I didn't want to scare the kids. Told my hubby when I got home. I love the don't think about it unless it is real theory. I wish I could shut my pea brain off like that. As soon as I got home I went to my doctor on their first opening 4 days later. Ugh. The waiting begins. They sent me for a mammogram 4 days after that, then ultrasound. I was scheduled for surgery three days later. A week later I was blessed to find out it was benign. BUT there were other concerns they didn't mention they found originally, deeper different masses. They recommended more testing and to see a specialist. I did alot of research on specialists. The best one was 5 hours away.
First test is a 5 hour drive, a 5 hour test 2 hours of preparation, A molecular breast imaging. Well that was one tiring day. It is a new form of nuclear testing that is supposed to be the best and only a few hospitals and specialist are able to do the testing. I was told that day all was ok to go home I was fine. Then in the mail I get a certified letter a week or two later saying there were concerns and masses and more testing is needed. So I for a few days think I am ok then the feeling of being again told I am not. I was sick. Originally I was told if I received this very expensive not fully covered by insurance molecular test I would know everything no further tests needed.
I am told to see the specialist 5 hours away again. Another trip to go there for a physical exam then be sent home. To wait so she can read the results of all the tests that she has already had in her possession for a month. Seriously. I get a call 3 weeks later to say that she just viewed my tests and she wants me to travel to her 5 hours for a routine mammogram. That they like to do all their testing and she wants additional views done. I said NO. I will not travel for that. Do a MRI or I will go somewhere else. She scheduled the mammogram at a specialist I picked here in my hometown. First appointment 2 weeks because of the holidays.
Finally I get the news I wanted. July 10th, 2013 I see a local specialist get the mammogram. I am given a rose by his tech after he tells me I am fine. That he there is nothing there. Nothing. No masses. Just someone did original poor tests. :(..... Seriously. How careless. He had the original tests so he could see what was and what was not done. The original tests done at my local hospital. The views the masses the others were seeing were shadows and the other doctors did not take the extra time to do any extra views that are mandatory if they see a mass. They just saw the masses and said nothing. No extra views to just confirm they were shadows. Pure laziness. I remember my first test. She was in a horrible mood and you could tell didn't like her job. I feel for those that may have had cancer and things were missed. Ugh. What a nightmare, day mare. I had not slept for weeks, I could hardly eat. I cant imagine how someone with cancer feels. I know I felt like everything was over. That by the time they finally get around to doing the proper tests it would be to late.
Enough venting. I am soooooo happy. I was so happy when I found out. So was my family. I am blessed I am ok. I thank god every waking moment for that doctor that took a few extra minutes and his patience and his tech for taking the extra time to do all the testing and giving me the answers then the same day and not making me wait another month. I will be going every 6 months per the doctor because of the one mass that was removed but he feels I will be fine.
So Get checked. Get your exams. Breast exams other female exams its so important. Time is important. You owe it to yourself. Life is to wonderful and to short.
May 2013 I found a lump in my breast. When you find one your in shock, then denial, then fear sinks in. Reality sets in even faster. It overtakes your life you cant seem to think about anything else. I was away from home on a mini vacation with my kids, no one to talk to because I didn't want to scare the kids. Told my hubby when I got home. I love the don't think about it unless it is real theory. I wish I could shut my pea brain off like that. As soon as I got home I went to my doctor on their first opening 4 days later. Ugh. The waiting begins. They sent me for a mammogram 4 days after that, then ultrasound. I was scheduled for surgery three days later. A week later I was blessed to find out it was benign. BUT there were other concerns they didn't mention they found originally, deeper different masses. They recommended more testing and to see a specialist. I did alot of research on specialists. The best one was 5 hours away.
First test is a 5 hour drive, a 5 hour test 2 hours of preparation, A molecular breast imaging. Well that was one tiring day. It is a new form of nuclear testing that is supposed to be the best and only a few hospitals and specialist are able to do the testing. I was told that day all was ok to go home I was fine. Then in the mail I get a certified letter a week or two later saying there were concerns and masses and more testing is needed. So I for a few days think I am ok then the feeling of being again told I am not. I was sick. Originally I was told if I received this very expensive not fully covered by insurance molecular test I would know everything no further tests needed.
I am told to see the specialist 5 hours away again. Another trip to go there for a physical exam then be sent home. To wait so she can read the results of all the tests that she has already had in her possession for a month. Seriously. I get a call 3 weeks later to say that she just viewed my tests and she wants me to travel to her 5 hours for a routine mammogram. That they like to do all their testing and she wants additional views done. I said NO. I will not travel for that. Do a MRI or I will go somewhere else. She scheduled the mammogram at a specialist I picked here in my hometown. First appointment 2 weeks because of the holidays.
Finally I get the news I wanted. July 10th, 2013 I see a local specialist get the mammogram. I am given a rose by his tech after he tells me I am fine. That he there is nothing there. Nothing. No masses. Just someone did original poor tests. :(..... Seriously. How careless. He had the original tests so he could see what was and what was not done. The original tests done at my local hospital. The views the masses the others were seeing were shadows and the other doctors did not take the extra time to do any extra views that are mandatory if they see a mass. They just saw the masses and said nothing. No extra views to just confirm they were shadows. Pure laziness. I remember my first test. She was in a horrible mood and you could tell didn't like her job. I feel for those that may have had cancer and things were missed. Ugh. What a nightmare, day mare. I had not slept for weeks, I could hardly eat. I cant imagine how someone with cancer feels. I know I felt like everything was over. That by the time they finally get around to doing the proper tests it would be to late.
Enough venting. I am soooooo happy. I was so happy when I found out. So was my family. I am blessed I am ok. I thank god every waking moment for that doctor that took a few extra minutes and his patience and his tech for taking the extra time to do all the testing and giving me the answers then the same day and not making me wait another month. I will be going every 6 months per the doctor because of the one mass that was removed but he feels I will be fine.
So Get checked. Get your exams. Breast exams other female exams its so important. Time is important. You owe it to yourself. Life is to wonderful and to short.
Thank you to my Family, Friends and Facebook family.
Not many knew anything was going on. Other than my absence from facebook. I want to thank those of you (and there were many) that took notice and checked on me. It meant a lot. I want to say thank you to all of those that were there even if you didn't know what I was going through the last several months. Thank you for saying Hi and asking if I was ok. I was amazed how wonderful my friends on facebook and customers are, they noticed my absence and let me know how much they cared and missed me. That will not go un-noticed. I hope I can return that same act of friendship someday.
Not many knew anything was going on. Other than my absence from facebook. I want to thank those of you (and there were many) that took notice and checked on me. It meant a lot. I want to say thank you to all of those that were there even if you didn't know what I was going through the last several months. Thank you for saying Hi and asking if I was ok. I was amazed how wonderful my friends on facebook and customers are, they noticed my absence and let me know how much they cared and missed me. That will not go un-noticed. I hope I can return that same act of friendship someday.
My family was amazing through all of it. Two friends were so wonderful to me, Valerie and Maddy you two are wonderful. I cannot believe how great you both are. Never met in person and you have both been there no matter what. I love you both dearly. I truly feel so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life. I am so thankful for all that they have done.
I have always supported, donated and created for cancer and Rare Disease foundations. After going through it myself I feel even stronger about it.
What can you do to help Cancer Sufferers and their families?
Donate Money
Donate Time
Spread the word so others will join in.
Spread the word so others will join in.
If you don't already support cancer research. There are so many ways to help. Donating money, Creations, Time, Networking, Fundraisers, Creating and donating sales to cancer research. Or even just donate partial money from the sale of an item. I have many items in my shops that are always donated to cancer or a % of the sale is donated. I know that not everyone can do that. Times are hard for so many. I know believe me medical bills for me since 1995 after now 44 surgeries, medical bills will destroy you and will deplete you of everything you have.
Some Families that have a loved one with cancer or a person that has cancer struggle, loose homes, loose their lives because they cannot always get insurance to pay for the treatment they need. Just being a sick person without cancer can destroy you financially.
There are so many little things you can do. Contact your local charity chapter and see what you can do to help. Sometimes all it they need is your time. Someone to work in their shops that are fun for cancer donations, where proceeds go to the charity they support. Many times in areas they have cancer patients that have no way to get to treatments, they just need a support system to take them to treatment, take them to get their groceries. Little things we don't think of so many do without. So many simple ways to help those in need. Call your local charity that you believe in and support and help however you can.
I every year, several times a year donate my hair to charity for children with cancer. I create many many things and donate them To Rare for rare disease research. I donate cancer creations to people that are having charity drives and the earnings go to research. Its not much but its something. If I was wealthy and healthy I would do so much more. I know now the fear that you have when you are going through tests, I cannot imagine the fear of those with Cancer.
I send many prayers and blessings of hope and healing to those fighting cancer or Rare Diseases. I hope you will keep them in your prayers too.
Even more important celebrate life. Life is so short.
Some like to support groups instead of research. I am not here to preach. Just telling my story and hopefully it will help someone or maybe help you get out there and help yourself. Don't wait is all I ask. There are so many groups that need your help and so many free ways to help them. There is a ribbon for every awareness group out there. Cancer, Illness, abuse, support the troops. Wear your ribbon that your believe in. To find the ribbon that supports your cause here is a wikipedia site.
I recently created a ribbon for a cause that you don't like to think about. Domestic Violence.
As a victim of domestic violence in a past relationship. It really hit home for me. A customer asked me to create ribbons and butterfly pins for them. The ribbons were not mentioned at first just her trying to decide colors, then she told me her story. That purple ribbons and butterflies were the awareness symbol for Domestic Violence. Their loved one had been murdered by domestic violence. I will not go into detail but the male was convicted then a loop hole was found and he was going to trial again. The family was going to have to live the nightmare all over again of their loved one that was murdered. That really struck me. I donated a few creations for their cause. It was not a lot but I hope it gives them some peace when going through their terrible time.
One of my sisters friends was murdered ~ a murder suicide/domestic violence years ago and I was the 911 dispatcher. That was one of the worst calls I have ever taken. Such a tragic waste of a beautiful life. So many victims out there that never speak out and it ends up being to late.
I spoke out and got help in time and I thank God for my husband now for saving me from that horrible time in my life. There wasn't a question. I asked for the help and he was there and protected me and the our kids. I pray that if anyone ever tells you and reaches out to you about domestic violence, help them. It could be their only chance to ask.
Domestic violence ribbon is purple and also butterflies are part of the awareness. So I made ribbons with butterflies and butterflies with ribbons on them. Its not much but its the thought that counts.
I also make ribbon beads for any awareness of your choice.
I made and donated these to a friend and she gave them to her friend that has cancer.
I can make them in any color you want. One is a Pandora style bead the other is for a bracelet or could be a pendant.
Another Awareness that I support and is dear to me is RARE.
The Global Genes Project.
If you don't know about it you should check out the site. Click any photo below. This is the rare diseases that affect children and adults that people don't know about. That there isn't a lot of research on or support for those with these diseases because they are Rare..
This group is ran by amazing people that care.
They ask for nothing in return for all of their hard work.
I am honored to be part of this awareness by donating.
Last year a few group challenges were for this charity.
I was lucky to be part and donated creations.
They did a 7000 bracelet challenge. Blue of course as that is their signature color, Blue jeans and blue jean colors. After the challenges they contacted me to create for their head benefactors and make them bracelets. I was so honored to create and be part of this great charity.
I still create and donate through my shop
To see how you can help?
Click the link below
Find The Global Genes Project on Facebook
I also help support Leukemia and Childhood Cancer
I have participated in a little girls struggle through leukemia she is a darling Brenna and still fights to this day. It is amazing how strong kids are.
To learn about Breanna and help her in her fight click her photo below.
To help those with childhood cancer and or leukemia, You can purchase one of the little angels below and I will donate 75% to childhood cancer research.
I donate several times a year to Locks of Love. My hair grows very fast and I try to wait and get it cut and donate at least 10-12 inches twice a year for almost 10 years now. You don't have to donate that many inches. To find out how to donate click this little sweetie below.
A disease that hits close to home is Epilepsy, my daughter fights this disease.
If you cant donate. Learn how to help someone with it.
If you are not aware of it, you should learn about it. you could save someones life when they have a seizure.
Beads of Courage
Bottles of Hope
I support many others, Red Cross, Disabled Veterans this list goes on. My main thing today is just to get you thinking what do you support. How easy it is to support even without money. Time is money for many groups. Handing out cookies at a blood drive helps. You can help someone somewhere somehow.
Now for a thank you to all those that have read my post. I thank you for sticking around. You may have a group or awareness that you support. I would love to hear about it. There are so many ways that just a blog can help get the word out. Drop me a line via private email at the contact me button above and lets see what we can do to help.
Thank you to those that have supported me I have so many wonderful friends.
As a thank you for sticking around to read my blog. I had different ideas on how to do a giveaway for this without sounding like I was preaching or making anyone feel like they had to participate to win.
I would love to hear about your charity.
Id love to read your shares about your favorite charity or awareness that you support or suffer from. So I hope you tag me with #kimisjewelryandgifts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest any social media so that I can hear about it, about your story, and add it to my list of awareness opportunity's so that I can help in the future.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Rules to Win
One Winner will be chosen.
There are two mandatory points. Follow me aka JOIN my blog and join via email. The last few giveaways. Some that participated un followed before I even had a chance to notify them for their prizes and I had no way to find them. Please follow along only if you plan to stick around. I want those that support me and a cause to join in. Its only fair to the others. I will take a few days to make sure all points are accurate as I always do so I will announce the winner with in 5-10 days of the end of the giveaway.
What do you Win??
$$ Gift Certificate to Kimi's Jewelry and Gifts on Artfire
1 comment:
I'm so happy to hear that this ordeal has finally ended with great results. Both my sister and I are cancer survivors, so I know the fear you experienced. It is inexcusable that you were put through so much trauma over so long a period of time.
You are a wonderful role model for all of us. Your creative energy is amazing to me, especially in light of your ongoing health issues.
Linda Kropp
Linda Kropp
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