For all the wonderful people that did partake in my blog hop please visit my Artfire for an additional 15% off any purchase. Checkout code is PURPLEBLOGHOP

Welcome to my page
and to the
Purple Valentine Blog Hop Giveaway
Have fun and win 11 prizes just from me
many more from others. So hop hop hop

Welcome to the Purple Valentine
Blog Hop Giveaway!!!
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A large group of Artists friends are getting together
Supporting each other
Having this blog hop on their blogs
Most are having giveaways also.
So Please Please go to each blog
You could win so many treasures
Who doesn't love beautiful free things.
All bloggers are listed below that are in the Hop
Their links are posted click on them and it will
open their blog in another browser.
Enjoy every wonderful artist that has taken the time
to set up a fun free giveaway for you.
What a fun way to maybe win yourself some beautiful
Valentine gifts for yourself or loved ones.
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Supporting each other
Having this blog hop on their blogs
Most are having giveaways also.
So Please Please go to each blog
You could win so many treasures
Who doesn't love beautiful free things.
All bloggers are listed below that are in the Hop
Their links are posted click on them and it will
open their blog in another browser.
Enjoy every wonderful artist that has taken the time
to set up a fun free giveaway for you.
What a fun way to maybe win yourself some beautiful
Valentine gifts for yourself or loved ones.
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I'm so happy it is finally time.
Have been waiting to start this fun free
Blog hop and my largest giveaway ever!
I have listed lots of prizes that I hope you all will love.
There will be 11 winners
in case of a tie the tie winners will receive the same prize
I know when you see the list of things to do
You will groan and hopefully not pass it up.
They are all very very easy and fast.
Painless and fun I promise.
Plus you could win tons of great things.
Plus not every one of them is Mandatory.
Most are just for fun and you can do them
today or come back another day and do more.
Many can be repeated everyday so you can
really rack up the points.
So no worries if you don't have time today
Here is the list of all of the Blog Hoppers
Please stop by and visit them.
We have all worked hard to make this a fun event.
We want to share with you our love for blogging and creating.
Many more. See the post on Deans Designs for all the links.
A Special well deserved Thank you to
Tracie Dean of Deans Designs
She organized this fun blog hop.
She is a wonderful talented person.
I hope you stop by and see her and send her many thanks.
Hugs hon your the best.
Thank you so much for stopping by
supporting me and handmade.
I hope you all win a wonderful prize
if not here somewhere in the blog hop.
Wishing you all lots of luck.
Create With Heart, Love, Color and Bling
OMG, you are wonderful!!! I will put you into mine too....THANK YOU!!! ~KM
Thanks for a chance to win this lovely item! My favorite color is pink!
work on the rafflecopter - my favorite colors are purple, blue & green. i love color. bright & vibrant ones. thank you for the chance to win. wish you a great week. take care. ( :
embarrassing comment from Valentine's Day - when i a kid - i would always share valentine's with everyone in my class - usually i the guy i like would never give me one in return. men??! so silly, huh?? ( :
i love this item ... so pretty & it is a heart - perfect for valentine's day ... http://pinterest.com/pin/70016969178886949/
Wonderful giveaway! My favorite color at the moment is purple!
This is my favorite item! http://www.etsy.com/listing/90368890/made-to-order-pretty-pink-clay-petals?favorite_listing_id=90368890&show_panel=true OK, not really, cuz I love them all!!! But I had to choose one :o) Thanks sweetie!!! xoxo
This is my favorite item! http://www.etsy.com/listing/90368890/made-to-order-pretty-pink-clay-petals?favorite_listing_id=90368890&show_panel=true OK, not really, cuz I love them all!!! But I had to choose one :o) Thanks sweetie!!! xoxo
Wow Kim!! Great Giveaway!
Thank you so much for participating!
You are always a great help!
Happy Crafting
Thanks everyone for stopping by. We have two more days to rack up the points. Be sure to stop back each day and do the simple ones. Make sure to comment to. Those really add up. Hugs to all and Happy Hopping. Kimberly
Thanks to Tracie for hosting this fun blog hop giveaway! I am glad to have found your blog for this special giveaway. Happy Valentines Day!
I am new to rafflecopter, but I did give it a go! Hugs,Tee
Great hop! My favourite is purple :)
Hi, I just found you and I'm pleased to meet you! If it's not to late to enter in your lovely Giveaway please if you would be so kind to also enter my name. Thank you and I hope your Valentine 's Day was a wonderful one!
My favorite color is purple, lilac to be exact. Then next in line is pale pink.
Hugs and many blessings...
Bobbi Ann Cook
Thank you!!!! I am so excited!!!! I received the email and jumped up and down!!! Thank you so much!!!
Oh my gosh!!! thank you thank you thank you! I received my email and am super excited to go SHOPPING in your shop!!! big heart full of smiles thank you again!!!
congrats Terry. Thank you so much for participating. hugs
Just letting you know I received an email telling me of my 4th place win in the Valentine Hop Blog Giveaway. I`m excited to have won and can't wait to see my prize. Thank you very much!
OMG....I get to pick something..... OH MY.... YAAAAA HOOOOOO!! THANK YOU!!!! ~KM
Yippee! I got your congratulations email Kim and TYSM for the generous Purple Valentine discount coupon code. Activate my code! I like the Rafflecopter and hope you run another one soon.
a few winners have not answered. They are winners of actual prizes. If you happen to know them please let them know. Trying to locate Tee Hall, Beth Edwards, Sarah Perry, Karen Mallory. Im very excited to share prizes. If they do not want the prize listed I am flexible and will share whatever they like within reason :).. If you received a discount of a % off. let me know if you would rather just have a gift. We can work something out. KImberly
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