This Month I joined this wonderful group On Fire For Handmade on Facebook & Etsy. We support each other, advertise for each other and blog about each other. The Leader of the group is wonderful. Everyday she has something new for us, she keeps track of it all( I do not know how because its a large group). She researches each Artisan and then does a wonderful weekly feature on each member. I had mine last week and I was so honored that so many wonderful people took the time to share my Sites where I sell and Blog. Its so hard to get the word out there that you are selling and creating and this group sure does do that for you.
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First I want to Tell a little about the Top Lady :0) . Her name is Anne Hopfer, she is on facebook and is the heart of this wonderful group. Plus she has the time to create and sell. Here is her facebook link :
Facebook : Made For Me By Okalie
Facebook Fan Page : Oaklies Fashions
Anne's Blog : Oaklies Fashions Blog #1
Anne's Second Blog:
Anne On Etsy ~ Made For Me By Oaklie On Etsy Link
My favorite item in her Etsy shop : Passion Fruit
The link to this gorgeous Ruffled Scarf :
Creative, Has three blogs including the Onfireforhandmade blog, creates clothing, and has time to run our amazing group. I'm just amazed by her. If you post she answers within a few short moments. She really makes me smile. I'm honored to be a part of this group and so glad I'm getting to know Anne. Please stop by her pages, show her some much deserved love. Join and like her pages. Thank You Anne for all you do.
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About the OnFireForHandmade Blog: Wow that is a busy site. Anne just recreated it. Which if you have a blog you know that is not a small task. I'm still figuring things out everyday. I love to blog and love to share my work and other work that I see other Artisans do. Handcrafted Art just amazes me. Its not produced in a factory. Real wonderful people put hours of time and love into each and everything they make. Sadly we are all so underpaid because it is so hard to compete with company's that mass produce. I know that every time I have purchased a handcrafted item it is 100 times better and I'm more proud to wear it and or use it than I am anything I purchased from a regular store. I support and shop Handcrafted now and I'm proud of it. The online shopping world it amazing. I'm handicapped and I just cant shop like I used to so to have access to handcrafted wonderful items is the best. This group has just about everything you can imagine. I like that because were all a bit different and we all support each other. Sorry I got off track there.
OnFireForHandmade Blog ~
Anyone can Join it, you don't have to create or sell. You will just have unlimited access to amazing Artists and their work.
What does OnFireForHandmade do for an Artist?
On Fire for Handmade is A Website supporting Handmade Artisans Worldwide! New Featured Shops, Contests, Promotions and more every week! Lots of talent in one place! We are your One Stop Source to strictly Handmade!
Share the Love.. Blogger’s Unite - Every week a new Artisan is Featured on Share the Love Blogger’s Unite. There are so many talented Artisans & we love to feature them.
Weekly Challenges - The Top Treasuries are posted every week here on our Treasury Challenge Page! Wonderfully curated by On Fire for Handmade Team and Facebook Group Members! The Treasuries are all supporting fellow Handmade Artisans on Etsy! Stop by and see them all!
Treasury Contests - Every week 8 random Treasuries are chosen to be entered in the On Fire for Handmade Treasury Contest. Viewers can vote for their Favorite Treasury! Lots of wonderful selections by talented artisans!
That is just part of what this Amazing group and Anne Hopfer do. I'm so happy to have found this group or did she find me. I don't remember but that doesn't matter. I just know Im glad I found a home full of wonderful people and Artisans. So stop by the blog, JOIN and you will be very happy with everything you find there. There are links to every ones sites where they sell. You can advertise for your business there. there are over 657 members and 13 leaders just on Etsy, over a 1000 members on Facebook. I cant even imagine how many are . I don't mean to leave the leaders out because they put in alot of hours too, helping with so many things. I'm new so I really don't know what all this group does. I just have experienced all of the above in two short weeks and I'm just amazed.
Right now on the blog they are featuring Great Finds, I was featured a few weeks back in Pink. This week is Honey Gold and there are so many amazing items. Stop by and vote for your favorite.
On to the fun part. Every few days there is a Featured Artisan. Last week it was me as I said. I will be blogging about all the amazing people that shared for me. :)
Here is the post on the OnFireForHandmade ~ Featured Artisan
For the Share the Love ~ Bloggers Unite , Anne and her Staff makes it really easy she does the blog for you. Not for me. I like to do it myself. I love to look at all the artists work and their sites and create my own little blog. So bare with me as I don't follow the rules exactly. I just feel if this group is doing all these amazing things for me. Ten minutes to look up some great information on another artist is not a problem and very fun. So here goes.
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Her site is very unique. On the front page is an animated beautiful lady that guides you through and It was very enjoyable visiting. Here is what she has to say about her site:
(Formerly Braggin' Rights Bath & Spa).
I hope you can find everything you need. I offer competitive pricing, & the introduction of many new products. I stay on top of the trends, continuing to offer a top-notch product. I ship out quickly, and handle all matters professionally.
I believe that my customers ARE my business, and strive to make them love their experience.
The bulk of my business is repeat customers and referral business.
With a variety of offerings to choose from, I'm sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.
I hope to see you again!
Check back later for new updates to this website.
The owner Tracy's shop is easy to browse through and gorgeous.
Just browsing through the scents made me terribly hungry. Here are just a few of her large selection of scents.
Some Baked Goods Scents :
*Banana Cream Pie
*Vanilla Bourbon
*Blueberry Pie
*Bubble Gum
*Cotton Candy
*Jelly Bean
*Vanilla Bourbon
*Blueberry Pie
*Bubble Gum
*Cotton Candy
*Jelly Bean
*Lemon Sugar (Aquolina type) Fragrance
*Buttermint Candy
*Buttercream Frosting
*Bamboo Sugar Cane
*Butter Cream Cake
*Spice Cake
*Dutch Chocolate
*Cream Cheese Frosting
*Pear Tart
*Apple Crisp
*Buttermint Candy
*Buttercream Frosting
*Bamboo Sugar Cane
*Butter Cream Cake
*Spice Cake
*Dutch Chocolate
*Cream Cheese Frosting
*Pear Tart
*Apple Crisp
Im a fruity smell lover. Yes Im fruity too for those of you that were thinking it. Im happy to admit Im a fruit.
Fruity Scents:
*Fresh Picked Strawberries
*Passionfruit/Guava*Sun-Ripened Raspberries
*Cucumber Melon
*Fresh Mango
*Lemongrass (EO)
*Passionfruit/Guava*Sun-Ripened Raspberries
*Cucumber Melon
*Fresh Mango
*Lemongrass (EO)
New * Wildberry ( I think this would be my fav)
Here is the link to her Scent Selection :
She has scents for everyone, Men, Women, Children, and for every occasion you can think of. Ok I have to move on to more stuff. She has lots to look at. :) Man when is the internet going to have smellovision. Hmmm.
Right now The Handmaden Soap Company is having a Great Giveaway. You need to stop by and check it out. Who does not love free stuff? Especially things that smell so yummy.
Here is the link to her Giveaway ~ Dont delay or Ill win :) !!
Now to share a little more about this wonderful Handcrafted Artist and where she sells. How to find her and fall in love with her products. From the descriptions of the scents I know where I will be doing some holiday shopping.
She has a wonderful shop on Etsy, bright and so pretty. Here are a few of her products and the photos.
Again Soap is making me hungry. I think that is a great sales Idea. Maybe I can make my Clay and Jewelry smell like food and people will want it. LOL. Have to try that one day. :) We used to have jewelry and beads that smelled like fruit when we were kids. Maybe that would work. Something to ponder. lol
Truly thougth this Etsy shop is full of yummy goodies that you wont want to pass up. Smells of heaven. YUMMY..
You can also find The Handmaden Soap Company on Facebook. You can stop by show her page some love by LIKE -ing it and who knows you may find some amazing handcrafted things that you cant live without.
The Handmaden Soap Company on Facebook Link
To my new friend and fellow Artisan Tracy Cornell, I wish you many sales and many wonderful delightfully smelling days of creating.
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Here is the blog that everone else is sharing about the featured Artisan. Which is wonderful I just wanted to make mine a little different.
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Well I am off to heal. I had Epidural injections in my lower spine today. Very sore but this gave me something fun to do to keep my mind off of it. I hope everyone stops by Anne's, Tonya's and the OnFireForHandmade Blog and sites. These are a great group of Artisans that you will love getting to know.
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Dont forget to Join my blog. ONLY 2 more members and I do my Lori Love Ring giveaway. Good luck to everyone.
Sending much love and happy wishes to all.
Kimberly @ Kimi's Jewelry & Gifts
My Artfire Site :
My Etsy Site :
My facebook fan page :
Wow Kimberly.. this is awesome! Thank you so much!! You did a wondeful job!!
Kimberly- I can't thank you enough for this incredible feature, I joined your blog too- thank so much,
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