Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bead Fest ~ Pity Party

Bead Fest ~ Blog Pity Party Weekend

Odd Blog I know.  But if you love beads and creating as much as some Artists you will be able to relate.  Would be just like not being able to go to your favorite Team game when they go to the superbowl.  When we want to search for great finds and cant its sad.
We all get to whine once in awhile. lol  So there are a large group of us whineing together.
I pray that next year I can attend a few Bead Fests, mainly the one in Wisconsin.
I really hope I can attend many clay seminars to learn new tecniques from many wonderful artists.

I am disabled and have been having difficulty walking very far. Im going through a series of injections and pray it works so that I do not have to have my 22nd major surgery since 2005. I just want to be able to go to these wonderful events to get rare finds
to create with and learn from the best. Of course to shop to. Lol
I pray I get healthier so that I can go. Fingers and Toes crossed for next year that I can walk and travel better.
Wish me luck.  :) . If I get to go. That means I get to create rare beautys for all of you.

I follow many blogs and this one this weekend really fit my weekend. What a fun opportunity to share
What you wanted to do but couldnt and turn it around to being a fun inspirational Weekend.

The Blog that Started the Bead Fest ~ Pity Party

I would like to share some of her work. It is gorgeous & how to find her creations.

These are some of her Gorgeous Polymer Clay Creations from her Etsy shop, Click the photo & It will take you to her Shop

I love birds, This sparrow Pendant is so cute. Here is her link Just in case

Now on to Her Blog Event

This blogger is one of the amazing Artisans that sponsers and blogs on ArtBeadScene Blog
I enter in their monthly challenge every month. So I always enjoy visiting their blogs.

This week just like me she was unable to attent Bead Fest

Her blog is here about the Fun weekend Giveaway she Created in honor of Pity and Bead fest :)

The fun began on Friday with ~ Bust Your Stash

Dig in your stash of beads, every artist has them and create something and blog about it. Then Share!

Well that sounded like fun to me. My stash is way to large and it is about time to share

some of them and create. This weekend I decided to create for myself.

Something I dont do very often. I figured Id pity myself and have fun and get some bling out of it.

Next Step ~ Saturday ~ Inspiration Adventure

Get out of the house and find something to Inspire you. I had the perfect plan. Share and Blog about it.

Last but not Least ~ Sunday ~ Class of One

Pull out a book or tutorial or something you have had that you have been wanting to try.

Pick a project, create, and blog about it. Yes I have just the thing.

Here is my Weekend of Pity Party ~ Bead Fest Inspiration & Creation


A few months back I won a wonderful giveaway from NLC Beads

Before I share What I created I have to share her shop and some of her work. Its so fun and delighfully inspirational.

Adorable Arent they. I love her work

On to my Friday Blog Post

My Froggie Soup ( aka Bead Soup)

Now for the Reveal of What I created from my ~ BUST YOUR STASH

Fancy Froggie ~ This is for me. Swarovski Crystal Vintage Pear Rose Vitrail Stone Dangle.
Focal is the Beautiful Froggie Bead from NLC Beads
Lots of Swarovski crystal and pink tiger eye beads
all wrapped up in wire and filigree.

Fun and fancy froggie free. I had alot of fun making her I cant wait to wear her.

Saturday ~ Pity Party ~ My Inspiration Adventure

Our Local Big Brothers/Big Sisters had a little Art Show
I didnt know about it or I would have had a booth.
This is on my list of to-do's next summer.

Beautiful Day. Beautiful Handcrafted Creations

I will say again dissapointed that not one Artisan there that creates with polymer clay. I have never found anyone that does in our town or in nearby ones. The closest I know is one lady that is about 2 hours south of me but she actually lives in Florida. Hmm lonely clay lady that is me.  Thankfully I start my adult clay lessons next month and
I hope that brings lots of clay loving and creating people to Petoskey, Mi. If not at least it will bring them to me to create for them.

At the Show 90% of the booths were jewelry. Most using acrylic beads. Some creating with Swarovski Crystals Sadly nothing very original. It was the same people that were at the craft shows last year and they were creating the same things. So not much inspiration for me.

I did however find a few of my favorite lamp work glass bead artists that I have purchased from in the past there. I was happy to see them. I have hundreds of glass beads in my stash and I wont allow myself to buy anymore until I start creating with them. So it was very very hard to tell myself
no when I was drooling on some beautys. I would love to share their information with all of you.

I love the Dog Beads this Lamp Work Artisan Makes

Linda Wisley ~ Handmade Lampwork Beads
Indian River, Mi

She creates every kind of dog and does custome orders.

The other Handcrafted Glass Bead Artist I love seeing is Karen Curtiss

I have her card but was unable to find her online.

Email Karen @ :

Her contact information is Petoskey, Michigan

She also does home home partys

I will contact her to see if there is an online link for her.
Her beads are gorgeous and I wanted to share.


Valerie my sweet friend this is for you

I found some ideas for a friend that is planning to open a Consignment Artisan Shop in Florida
Here worry about the bulding she is in love with is the view.
The building is hard to see.

At the last art show I was at there were amazing artisans that worked with metal
They created huge metal displays that would spin in the wind or had lovely glass globes.
The best one was not at this show but this one had some lovely work also.

The business is called Copper Time
Roylayne Sales
Fremont, Michigan

To see their amazing creations go to

I talked to Jo, she said she has two business owners in Florida now with their beautiful creations
She said they both say that many people stop just to inquire about the Metal Masterpiece.

Here is a link to their Creations in action ~ A Video Link :

This one was much larger in person. The metal on the ones at the show was thick.
They were huge and Amazing.
I dont see them on their site. So ask about the large sprinklers that were in the back by their table.
I was very impressed.

This gave me inspiration to water my lawn ;)

The main thing that did inspire me was Swarovski Crystals. I was sad to see the prices on some of the work people were creating. Those of you that purchase Swarovski crystals know how expensive they are. The few jewelry booths were using acrylic or fake stones and saying they were Swarovski. One booth had lovely jewelry that was real. Charging hundreds of dollars for things that I would charge less than 100. It inspired me to create and get in more shows next summer so that I can give the local people fair
priced jewelry created with lots of love and bling.

So all in all it was a great day. The best part was I attended the event with my mom and my Aunt Gloria from 5 hours away, Was nice to walk around and visit with both of them and just relax. I did not last as long as them. Pain from my Epidurals earlier in the week kicked in and I had to cut my day short and go to bed. But I have lots of ideas in my head and made some sketches today
of pieces I want to create soon. I cant wait to share.

Sunday ~ Class of One

If you know me you know I am a tutorial addict, book buying addict. I love any source of learning new tecniques.

I have been wanting to create these earrings from a wonderful tutorial by Bobbi Maw from MyWiredImagination on Etsy

for awhile. So I thought now is a good time to do that. Make me some bling.

Click the photo to find her great tutorials and creations

Click on photos to take you to the link for this tutorial for you to purchase:

I wanted to create mine with crystals that were Swarovski Ab, clear but some shimmer.
They turned out lovely. I was so excited that they did on the first try.
They will match with everything.

Im so glad I participated in this blog pity party. It got me to do a few fun things for me.

I had a great family and creative weekend. I hope all of you did too. Dont forget to stop by the blog to read all of the other Artisans Bead Fest ~ Pity Party blogs. Im excited to read them all tommorow. Im off to relax. My back is still sore and Hopefully sleep.

Click here to follow the Blog Pity Party Posts

I have 10 bracelets to create this week for the 7000 Bracelets for Hope Gala Event in California.

I cant wait to share my huge bead soups Ive created and the finished Cha Cha Bracelets.

Join my blog so that you get updates or to my email.

If you have any questions Email me anytime. Just click on the Contact Me Button and Ill be there

Blessings & Happy Creating

Thank you for supporting me and Handcrafted Artsians

To find my Creations for Sale Click on this Link

Hugs & Love

Create With Heart, Love, Color & Bling

1 comment:

Heather Powers said...

I love that you played along each day Kimberley and shared your weekend with us. Sometimes a craft show that offers less than stellar inspiration is just what we need to see to know we should be out there offering more creative jewelry. I hope you find some polymer clay people nearby, teaching a class sounds like a really good first step! Your earrings are lovely and what a fun tutorial.