Me & My Creative Assistants
Sweetie & Goobers
Hello, I'm Kimberly Idalski from " Kimi's Jewerly and Gifts",
now on blogger.
Kidalski on Pinterest, Kidalski on TwitterKidalski on Flickr.
An Artist by Fate and an Handcrafted Artisan by Heart. I'm new to blogging.
I sure am enjoying it. I love that I can share more than one photo at a time.
I have a place now to share the tutorials and tips that I have had written down for months.
I enjoy hunting for deals and find so many great places and treasures.
I like to share them with artists so they to can get their favorite clay
and jewelry products at afordable prices and top quality.
I am the clay and jewelry coupon queen. A treasure hunter of sorts.
Ill search for hours for the best prices on clay, bead and findings. I try to buy from
personal business most of the time on Etsy and Artfire. I like to help support the people
artists that are creating and doing the same as I am.
I have my items available for purchase online also and like to help out others that do to.
If I have an idea in my head and cant find it I make it myself.
That is what I love about Polymer clay
you can create just about anything you can think of.
Its the most versatile medium, its strong , you can incorporate so many other mediums with it
the possibility's are limitless. It is also beautiful. One minute you hold a square of clay is one
color and in a matter of minutes it looks like wood, clay, gemstones, bone,
you name it clay techniques can do it. Its amazing.
I'm a proud mom of two amazing kids, my son is 12, my daughter is 21.
I am happily married for 21 years August 31,2012.
I have a soft spot for sweet eyed drooling creatures with fur and feathers.
So I'm usually surrounded by drooling and squawking talking animals.
I share my home and my love with three dogs Bella, Blu & Daisy Dukes.
Two ducks Wiggles & Waddles.
Three hilarious and wonderful Parrots,
Sun Conure ~Sweetie, Quaker Parrots Goobers and Peanut,
while I work they each perch on a shoulder and watch.
They enjoy all the beads and shiny things I make.
Its a normal occurence to see me with a string of wooden beads
and bells in my hair for the birds to play with.
It keeps them busy while I am creating.
I get teased and called the Bird Lady.
I don't mind, they are wonderful company and their beauty inspires me :) .
All of my pets inspire me in so many ways.
We just recently lost out dog Dottie to cancer.
She was such an angel and I know she is up in heaven
in my sister Lori's arms watching over us. We miss you Lori & Dottie.
My Family, My Heart, My Inspiration
This is what Keeps me Going.
Their Support, love and encouragement.
My Beautiful Daughter Ashley
I'm always asked How I started creating with clay and designing Jewelry. I always loved jewelry.
I would be ashamed to show you how many pieces of jewelry I have. More than any one person could
wear in many lifetimes. Have a thing for gems and bling. Most girls do so I guess I'm pretty normal.
Still have my very first jewelry set that my parents bought me when I was 12.
I was so excited that Christmas. Surely everyone wanted to cringe back then at the things I made for them.
But I am sure that those pieces of art are still around somewhere. Never get rid of memories.
My First Jewelry Kit
I have very supportive wonderful Parents that have always let me follow any dreams.
Its so important to let your children do that. No idea is ever a bad one when you Want to Make it Happen.
I enjoyed Art through High School Drawing and Painting. When I graduated way back in 1988 yes I'm old
I decided to go into a different Art the Art of making others Beautiful, Cosmetology.
After awhile I realized that was not for me. I was in search of something else. I wanted to help people.
In 1990-1997 I started working at the Presque Isle County Sheriff Department as a Corrections Officer/911 Operator.
In 1997-2006 I Worked as a 911 Supervisor in Petoskey, Michigan.
Back then it was not 911 but it was the same Job. A few years later our county like all others joined the 911
system. Once we did that I knew I had found my calling. I loved helping people. I loved the excitement of
being the first person to get the call about fires, accidents and people needing help to save lives.
I cant even count how many lives I helped save. It was an amazing thing to sit back after, take a deep breath
and sigh. Thinking thank God I pray everyone is ok. Or knowing that Everything was.
Very seldom were you thanked but hearing a baby cry or a person take a breath again. That was thanks enough.
I loved my job. I never said I don't want to go to work today. Everyday was different.
July 25, 2005 My world changed.
I was almost killed in a car accident.
A man was not paying attention was driving 90mph and blew his stop sign
and hit my truck in my door. Thank God I was the only one hurt.
4 children were with me. When I woke up several hours later in the
hospital not even knowing what happened, I can remember thinking this isn't real.
I'm supposed to be on the other end. I help save lives.
Why did this happen to me? All I could think is what a nightmare.
For years it was a nightmare that I never thought I would ever
wake up from. I couldn't do anything without hurting, I felt pretty lost.
To date I have had 21 surgeries since the accident.
I will never be the same. I will always need some kind of surgery as I get older I'm sure
but I have found something to help. I should say It cured my Mind.
So In Art I have found Happiness & I will Happily Create,
Teach and Challenge Myself everyday.
I never give up. I don't let my disability's Hold me down anymore.
I cant jump around and run. But I can sit now and then and create.
Time management and lots of rest in between. There are so many ways
to finish up projects while in bed resting. Thank God for Technology.
With clay it is patient. You can come back in a few hours.
Your creation is safely waiting for you to Return.
Summer of 2011 I told myself I had to find something for a disabled person to do.
I look normal and I should be able to do something is what I heard from everyone.
No one understood what was broke on the inside. I was determined to find something to do with my life.
Some way to bring joy to mine and others. I loved going to craft shows and In high school my mom was always crafting and in
shows. I thought I could make jewelry. So I bought beads and findings and made things here and there. It wasn't enough.
I enjoyed it but I wanted more. I didn't have that feeling that I missed from 911 that wow feeling you have when you can say
Wow I did that. I would volunteer at the animal shelter but that caused me pain it was too physical of work.
I found a clay bead on ebay. I bought a few and asked the artist what they were, she gave me some information.
I bought a pasta machine some Sculpey tools and clay and started creating.
The first day I was hooked. I can remember sitting there thinking wow 5 hours just passed and I'm not
crying out in pain. Somehow clay helped my mind go somewhere good that made me feel better.
I do have bad days and cant sit as long as I would like to. There are days though that I cant walk.
Ill get to my clay desk and start claying and I'm just in my own world. Polymer Clay Saved me.
My goal then became to help others that needed something in their lives too.
I knew I had found my own version of 911. I do not save lives anymore.
But I know that I have helped many overcome bad things once they start creating with clay.
That is a wow moment and the most amazing feeling.
I started creating and buying tutorials for clay and other jeweley tecniques. I started creating hundreds of designs
creations. My home was becoming and still is my own craft, jewelry, bead store and Gallery all in one.
I LOVE IT. My family loves it and I know I will never stop.
I got to the point when my clay friends said you have to start selling. I thought that I should have thousands of things
created and ready to sell before listing. I will tell you Dont do that. Create and list as you make them.
I dont know if I will everything listed. I do sell at Art shows, also at a local Bead Jewelry Shop,
On Artfire, Etsy, Facebook and through my studio at my home. It keeps me happy.
To date I have created over 600 clay creations. I have listed 400 and I still everyday list a few more.
Everyday I create a few more. I have projects started everywhere. Sketch pads full of ideas for classes to teach others.
I have so many ideas in my head and I love the fact that now
Im not afraid to share them with people. I really enjoy teaching in person and through tutorials.
Im to the point now where I want more. I want to teach more. I enjoy that part of it so much.
I love to see the look on someones face when they finish creating something.
I think back and remember that exact feeling and it is wonderful.
I want to work with a company other than myself that has a huge following that want to learn.
I have so many ideas to share. My husband says why are you always doing free things.
I always tell him and its true. I want everyone to be able to learn it not just the people that can pay.
I may in the future sell tutorials, I don't know. I do know that now I just want to create
I want to inspire others to create like I have been doing for months now.
Nothing is more fun than having a customer, that customer falling in love with clay like I did.
Helping that customer become a Polymer Clay Artist. That is so exciting.
I'm so proud of them when they show me what they made. Things that I taught them to make.
Its an amazing and it has that Wow feeling I want in life.
I enjoy doing private lessons in Polymer clay, with Children and I will start Adult lessons next month.
I have thougth about doing Jewelry creating party's with clay for children's birthday party's or
a girls night out get together where a few lady's get together.
We create a necklace, earrings and bracelet from clay from start to finish.
That I am looking forward to and will be working with Buffy from Bead Hollow where my Art is sold
In Petoskey to start those lessons. I will also be going to homes to teach these lessons.
I figured just once in a while will be a fun change.
For now I enjoy my private lessons with children and they are so creative and do so well.
So far my students have been an adorable 8 year old girl and two 12 year old boys that created
for their moms for gifts. Which was really fun.
I cant get enough of the feeling of teaching someone one little thing they didn't know before.
The question I'm asked the most is what is my Favorite Thing to Create??
My favorite way to create with Clay is Clay Embroidery, tiny little flowers, butterflies and beautiful details.
I love custom orders, from creating pets to Aecos, Keepsake tins to pens.
I have pretty much tried to cover everything with clay and will continue too.
I have a love for Lamp Work glass. I love creating with those types of beads.
I like to design Clay beads to match my Glass ones.
I love working with Wire, Wrapping Clay beads with wire.
Swarovski Crystals and Pearls, I love creating Wire jewelry and anyting with them. Love Bling.
I work with pretty mainly with Clay, Glass, Metals, Sterling Silver, Gold, Stainless Steal,
Lamp Work Glass, Swarovski Pearls & Swarovski Stones.
I even restring Real Pearls. I find myself trying anything a customer desires.
That makes me happy. I love when they have an Idea and I give them mine
and we work together to make an amazing design.
I love to share my own designs and Have so many notebooks full of them I would
Bore everyone to death for hours if I listed them.
I hope to create many tutorials soon.
I am excited to create utube videos. I realized that will be alot faster than typing and photos.
So Watch for Utube video Tutorials Soon.
So When you Ask me, What is your Favorite?
Creating with my heart and sitting back and smiling when I'm done.
On Feb 21, 2012 I received a comment on one of my Barrettes on Facebook
When I logged on and Saw it was from the Magazine FromPolymerToArt
They asked me right on Facebook If I would create a tutorial of my barrette
for them for their Pink Publication.
I About fell out of my chair that was after I danced around and screamed in excitement.
Of course I said YES!! Well Its coming out this month.
I'm in there and I'm so Honored they chose me and Proud.
To purchase or order your copy of Pink in your area click on the links below:
The magazine is now available at our own website. But it is also available at these distribution-sellingpoints. Check these sellingpoints for more details:
USA: (Will close later this year, but will ship till the GOLD, nr 4-2012 issue)
USA: (Will close later this year, but will ship till the GOLD, nr 4-2012 issue)
Today 8/29/2012 I was so excited when I recieved the email to get my sunglasses on and see myself
Well I pulled out my bifocals (im old) and I was so thrilled to see me in there.
Below Im listed on Page 43 my new lucky number :)
Im so Honored to Be in this Magazine beside these Amazing Artists
To order for Usa. Click on this photo to link you to the fastest link
Don't forget to order your copy today and stop by Their Facebook Page & Check out this
Wonderful Polymer Magazine that is full of tutorials and so much more every month.
I'm Truly Blessed to have found Something I love to do and many wonderful people that love what I make. Everyday I meet a new person that either loves to create or loves what my creations are. Its so fun to check my emails everyday to see what waits there for me. I truly love all my fans that I have on my Facebook Fan Page and Facebook Page. They are so supportive and I don't know what I would do without them.
To link to my Facebook Fan page Click My Facebook.
To become my friend on Facebook. Click on Contact me
I Always Have room for New Friends & Clay Lovers
I Started Selling My Creations and Treasures on Etsy In 2011 and Artfire Shorty After.
I truly Love All my Customers and I'm lucky that Each one has come back More than once.
I'm blessed to have such faithful Customers and love that when they have an idea
They know I love a challenge and will bring me their Idea and let me create their Dream.
I love creating One Of A Kind Custom Creations.
To find my Items for sale Please Visit my Artfire.
For a discount comment on the items you Like.
Click the My Artfire Link Below to Take you There
You Can also find Me and My Creations on Etsy. Click the link Below to Go there
On The bottom of this page is lots of photos of my creations. I have over 600 items I couldn't list
all of them. On Etsy in sold items you can see what has been Created and sold and also remade
if interested. On Artfire Click on the Gallery link to see Sold items and a gallery of made and
sold custom items. I can re create most. Everything is one of a kind. I never make it exactly the
same but I can make it as close as possible. I love to create.
I hope you give me a chance to create a treasure for you.
Surprise Features On Blogs
Artisan of The Month On Nosh Artfire Blog Feb 29, 2012
Awarded Designer of the Week On ArtBeadScene
One of my Pin Pendants Was featured Recently as Inspiration for
Show Me Sunday On ArtBeadScene
Link to the Blog:
Surprise Blog Features by Other Artisans
Artisan Keaki Desings Blogged About me on Her Blog
Krafty Max Originals Blogged About Me Was a Nice Surprise I was A New Artist On Arfire
My Free Tutorials and Tips
Free Golden Cabochon Tutorial: Click the Photo to Take you to the Blog Tutorial
Plaid Cane Tutorial: Click the Photo Below for the Blog Link
Rose Hair Stick Tutorial: click the Photo for the Blog Link
Short & Sweet tutorial on a Bullseye Cane
I am working on 4 new tutorials that will be free to everyone
They will be Polymer Clay of course with lots of tips and techniques that I wan to share
One is a Hair Accessories, Another is a Polymer Cane the two others are secrets.
You will just have to join or sign up for emails so you know when there here.
Recently Artist From all over the World did a Clay Swap.
I joined and This is what I created for my
Swap Partner Tina Holden
She is From Canada
I did some research on her home town and country and Created
Her state Bird & Flower. I love it and plan to make a few more.
I have an order for one already place for Cardinals.
I'm excited to get started on it next month when the Customer is ready.
I will be making one with my Parrots soon.
To view the Blog about the swap click the first Photo
Challenges & Contests
I also enjoy Challenges. I love when a customer comes to me with an idea and at first I think oh no way can I do that.
Then I lay in bed and think of a million ways that I could with clay. I jump up and the next morning
show everyone exactly what I said I couldn't do the night before. Its so fun.
So challenge me everyone. I want that. I love it!!!!
Every month I join in on several Polymer Clay and Jewelry Challenges. I don't care if I win.
I just love creating outside my comfort zone. Its so fun to create it and post my Creation.
Then look at everyone creations. Its exciting to see how different every ones minds work.
Its Amazing how every person sees in a piece of Art so differently.
How they view an idea and incorporate it into their piece of Art. Its very fun.
Most of the challenges have an Inspiration Photo, Idea or Charity.
I have joined in Polyform Products Challenges Every Month Since I found their site in March 2012.
I only missed two, because I had surgeries. I finished the one piece but I was a day late.
I still had fun and still have the Jewelry piece.
I want to share my Gallery of Polyform Products ~ Make ~ It ~ Your ~ Own Challenges
March 2012 ~ Inspiration ~ Polymer Clay Sushi Cane
My Entry
An Echo, Everything on the Aeco is a sushi cane except for the flower stems.
To View the Blog Click on the photo
Inspiration Photo ~ Sushi Cane Bracelet
To view the Awesome Free Tutorial & Bracelet Click the Photo Below
April 2012 ~ Inspiration ~ Vera Wang Perfume Bottle "Love Struck"
My Entry a Purple Vase with flowers to match the Perfume bottle.
To view the Blog click on the photo
Inspiration Photo ~ Vera Wang "LoveStruck"
Love this bottle
Click the photo to take you to Facebook Polyform Products for the Current Challenge
May 2012 ~ Inspiration ~ Steampunk
My Version Flowered Steampunk ~ I had surgery & I was a few days late for Judging.
I still had fun. I had never punked anything before.
To View the Blog Click on the photo
June 2012 ~ Inspiration ~ Mad About Plaid
I created a plaid cane tutorial and also this Plaid Polymer Clay Bib Necklace & Ribbons
with the Plaid Cane I had made. I love this piece.
To View the Blog click on the photo
Inspiration Photo for Mad about Plaid, click the Plaid to go to Polyform Products
July 2012 ~ Challenge ~ Mini Cutters
I used every one of the baby set of Premo Mini cutters & made a Polymer clay baby book.
This was fun and so special to me.
To view the blog click on the photo.
Inspiration Photo: Premo Mini Cutters Cuff Bracelet
To Find this free fun tutorial click the cuff bracelet link to Sculpey
Click the Cutters photo to take you to Sculpeys page to see all kinds of fun Cutters
August 2012 ~ Extruder Bullseye Cane Challenge ~ Make ~it ~ Your ~own
This is " Bullseye the Lizard " My Entry
To View My Blog about the Bullseye & The Cha Cha Bracelet
Click on the Photo Below
A free Tips & Tutorial Are Also on My Blog
August 2012 ~ Challenge Extruder Bullseye Cane ~ Make~it~Your~Own
My Entry " Bullseye Cha Cha Bracelet"
Inspiration Photo ~ Hooty The Owl Tutorial
Click the Adorable Owl to link to the Free Tutorial
December 2012 Monthly Challenge
My entry a feather/polymer clay snowflake ornament.
Monthly Challenge on Guild : Textures From Nature
My Entry for the Polymer Clay Smooshers Guild Textures Challenge ~ April 2012
Aeco ~ Nature ~ Always Belive ~ Because Tommorow Brings New Things
We haven't had a challenge in this guild in awhile. Were voting on one for September.
I'm excited to see what it will be for, Fall or Halloween theme.
I cant wait to Create and join in on the fun.
Monthly Challenge for future issue : Flowers
I sent in a Lily Pad and Lily:
Incense burner for the Challenge Entry Flowers to Polymer Cafe.
I subscribed to Polymer Cafe in April. I just received my first Magazine in the mail last week.
My subscription got lost somehow but I received my stack of magazines and I'm excited to
enter the next couple of challenges.
All Entry's are Added to Flicker: To see my Entry's on flicker click MY Flicker
To see the other entrants on flicker click on ArtBeadScene Banner.
On Art Bead Scene the winner is chosen with
The real winners are the ones that the ArtBeadScene
Writes about in their blog and Advertises for after the Random
Winner is Chosen. I'm Honored to have been listed in their blog
Several times and It makes my day.
Every Month They have an Inspiration Painting by an Artist.
The idea for their challenge is to make an Art Bead that represents the Painting
You then create a piece of Jewelry that is inspired by the Painting.
Its fun but sometimes Very Challenging.
Every Month they Post a blog tour Listing their picks for best designs
Each Month all entry's are listed on flicker
This is the link to ARTBEADSCENE Flicker
Jan Abs ~ Challenge
Inspiration ~ "Trellis" by William Morris
My Entry ~ " Trellis Necklace "
Click my entry to see my blog about the challenge
Click the inspiration photo
"Trellis" by William Morris to See ArtBeadScenes Blog About the Entry
Feb Abs ~ Challenge
Inspiration - Conference of the Birds by Habiballah
My Entry " Peacock Bib Necklace "
Click my photo to see the Blog about the Challenge & My Piece
Inspiration Photo " Conference of the Birds " by Habiballah
Click Photo to see the Blog Tour that I'm featured In.
I Was Awarded Designer of the Week for My Peacock Necklace
Click on the Necklace to See the Blog on ArtBeadScene Featuring Me & My Work
Mar Abs Challenge
Inspiration Photo ~ Street Scene in
Montmartre: Le Moulin a Poivre by Vincent Van Gogh
My Entry " Ruffle Bead Flag Necklace"
To View my entry and my Blog click on the Ruffle bead Necklace Photo
Inspiration Photo ~ Street Scene in
Montmartre: Le Moulin a Poivre by Vincent Van Gogh
The Link to the Mar Abs Monthly Challenge ArtBeadScene Blog :
Click on the Photo Below to see the Blog Tour where My Entry & Me are Featured
April Abs Challenge
Inspiration Photo: " Boreas" by John William Waterhouse
My Entry is a Sculpted Necklace of the painting "Boreas"
Click on the Photo of My Entry Necklace to Read My Blog About It
Inspiration Photo: " Boreas" by John William Waterhouse
The link to the Monthly Challenge ArtBeadScene Blog is :
Click on the Photo of Boreaus Below to take you to the Blog Tour Where My Work is Featured
May Abs Challenge
Inspiration Photo by : Italian's House at Monmarte by Maurice Utrillo
My Entry " Abstract Italian's House"
To View My Blog about the challenge & My Work Click on My Necklace Entry Photo
Italian's House at Monmarte by Maurice Utrillo
To view the ArtBeadScene Blog about the Challenge Photo :
To View The Blog Tour that Features Me and My Entry Click on the Painting Below
June I was Recovering from surgery & did not participate
July Abs ~ Monthly Challenge
Inspiration Photo: "Two Acrobats & A Dog" by Pablo Picasso
Inspiration Donation Challenge for 7000 Bracelets of hope Charity
My First Entry & Donation
To View My Blog About the Charity & The Challenge Click my First Entry Photo
To View my Blog & Second Entry & Second Donation for the Challenge
Click the Second Entry Photo Below
Inspiration Photo: " Two Acrobats and A Dog" by Pablo Picasso
To View the ArtBeadScene Blog about the Challenge Charity :
To View The Blog Tour that I Am Featured in on the Front page,
Click the Inspiration Photo Below
This is Just a Third Bracelet I created & sent to the Charity
August ABS Monthly Challenge
Inspiration Photo: " Fishing Boats, Key West, 1903 by Winslow
Homer "
My Entry is a Necklace " Sailing on Key West"
To View My Necklace and my Blog about the Challenged Click on The Necklace Below
Inspiration Photo: " Fishing Boats, Key West, 1903 by Winslow Homer "
To View the Blog About the Challenge:
So excited to log onto ArtbeadScene today 9-1-2012 to see my necklace on the front page.
To read about the blog hop :
Thank you ArtbeadScene, made my day again.
The Blog Tour & Designer of the Week have not been Chosen yet as of 8-27-2012
I Joined in the PCAGOE ~ Polymer Clay Artists Guild Of Etsy ~ Aug Challenge
It was also a Challenge for Charity ~ 7000 Bracelets of Hope
Inspiration is Blue Bracelets ~ That is the chosen Color for The Global Genes Project
My Entry " Cha Cha for Hope" Bracelet
Click the Photo of my Bracelet to take you to my blog Post.
I'm So Honored & Excited to Post that I Won This Challenge
1st Place ~ Public Voted
3rd Place ~ PCAGOE Artisans Voted
To View the Blog & Winners :
To View My blog About the Challenge & Bracelet I donated: Please Click on my Bracelet below
To View the Charity Please visit their Blog by Clicking Below
To Donate Bracelets Click the Box Below
To View the Challenge & the PCAGOE Blog Click The Photo Below
PCAGOE September Monthly Challenge
Inspiration ~ Metallics
To View my Blog about My entry Click on my
"Black Diamond" the Dragon Photo
To view the Blog about the Challenge :
AS of 8-29-2012 Nothing has been posted on The PCAGOE BLOG
All Entrants are entered on flicker
To View the Flicker for PCAGOE CHALLENGE POOL
I'm a Proud Member & Sponsor of the SRAJD
August is the First month I entered their Design Challenge
I just did it for fun. I won this adorable Frog from NLCBEADS
thought it would be fun to promote for her in Thanks and Join in on the fun Design Challenge
"Froggie Summer"
I was Honored and excited to be picked for A Great Find at On Fire For Handmade
They chose one of my pink Polymer Clay Beads on 7-27-2012
Click on the Bead Photo to see my clay beads. I have many made. Need to get them listed.
I tend to take my beads to the Gallery and Bead Hollow in Town I need to list more
I joined this amazing Group after they found me.
Its such a supportive Group of Artists that are so Supportive of Each other
I enjoy Promoting for the other Artists on there and they do the same for me.
To view the blog and all the wonderful Artists click the link below
I'm also a Proud Member of Many Guilds on Artfire and Etsy.
I support and promote for others through fun Treasury's and collections
I promote for many on facebook, twitter and pinterest. I believe so much in supporting Handcrafted Artisans.
I luckily have alot of wonderful people that do the same for me.
To View Or Join these Wonderful Groups Click on The Photos Below
Seems Like alot I know. But truly an hour a week total to create Treasury's and collections
You would be amazed at how much feedback and support you get right back
It is the best form of promoting and I have found many wonderful Artist friends also.
I am also in alot of great groups on Facebook.
I know it seems like alot.
But really an hour or less three times a week to click on and promote for others.
You would be amazed at the help you get right back.
The Networking Together and On Fire For Handmade
Click the Links Button to take you to the Networking Together Group on Facebook.
I was so excited and Honored when the Director Lisa Jame from The Global Genes Project
Contacted me via email. She invited me to the Gala Event &
Asked If I was Interested in Designing & Creating
Some of my Bracelets for their Tribune Gala Event "50 Patient Advocates "
She told me & 4 other Designers Were chosen out of 100's to Create for these Special People.
I was so excited and Honored to Be asked.
They had Fallen in love with my "Cha Cha for Hope Bracelets"
I immediately said Yes I would be honored.
I was told that Since I couldn't be there I would be Mentioned Many times
and Also a Blog in our Honor will be Posted Soon In Thanks for Designing
For this special Occasion. I was very surprised. Usually they work with
Lamp Work Glass Artists. So for Polymer to be Chosen I was Proud.
A link to this Wonderful "Tribune to Champions Gala Event " is Below
I finished 10 fun Bracelets in a week and a few days.
I was excited about representing Polymer and tried to make them
90 % Polymer and lots of Swarovski Pearls & Crystals to fill in.
I decorated little boxes for each bracelet and packaged them all up
Pretty with Blue Ribbons and Bows for these Honored Guests.
They are now on their way to California for the Event.
I hope they love them as much as I did creating them.
To view my Donations & Blog about my very large bead soup.
Click The photo Below
I have been asked alot already. Yes I will happily create a Cha Cha Bracelet for you.
Email me and we will talk colors and Ill start Creating.
Lots of beads will be listed soon too.
Click the Orange Leukemia Ribbon to Take you to the Leukemia Foundation
A friend Notified Me About Her Niece that was Just Diagnosed with Cancer
They were having a Charity Auction. Asked If I was interested in Donating Jewelry for it.
I made 10 sets, Earrings and Necklaces, Bracelets and Necklaces for the Charity Auction.
I was so glad to hear that the Auction went wonderfully and glad I could help.
Click on the Photo Below to view My Blog About the Charity for Breanna
Little Breanna Wanted a necklace made of her. So I created a Breanna Angel Pendant and sent it to her
She sent me photos of Her wearing this and all the Jewelry surprises I sent.
To order a necklace to support Leukemia & Breanna Click the Breanna Angel Below
Breanna : Click her photo to link to Her Facebook Page to see updates on her.
Breanna Your in my Prayers & Ill send Every Donation that I get to you When They Come in.
I support & donate my hair to Locks of Love Regularly.
To Donate or find out more about this Charity.
Click on this sweet little Girl Daria Who Donated too
I support Our Michigan Chapter of Breast Cancer Fund
To find yours Click on this Link
I love to create Breast Cancer Jewelry, Pens and Anything Anyone Wants.
20-50% is donated to The Charity Depending on the item
Click on the photo Below to take you to Items I create for Cancer.
I Will Happily Help any Charity and Create Items With their Ribbon
Click the Contact Me link to Email me with Inquires or Details.
My Angel & Inspiration For So much in life is my sister Lori. She is an Angel in Heaven
She was killed in a Car Accident in 1997 and is 2 years younger than I.
So many things remind me of her and inspire me to create
She loved flowers, butterflies, cows (haven't made that one yet except for mini beads)
She is with me always and I know she guided me towards This Path in life
I'm Not pushing Religion at All But I know She watches over me and is My Angel.
I named a Ring Collection I'm working on After her.
I'm Also Creating Bracelets, Earrings and Many other things and this week
I started incorporating Clay into my designs.
I'm excited to share all of them with Everyone Soon.
Her and I shared a love for Jewelry so Creating with Bling Reminds me of her.
To order a Custom Ring click on the Ring Photo Above.
We can create Your Own Custom "Lori Love Ring"
I recently did a giveaway to Celebrate My New Blog & My Lori Love Rings.
The winner Received a Lori Love Ring and a surprise Custom Sculpted Polymer Clay Pendant
The Second Winner of the Giveaway Was Krafty Max Originals and she won a Gift Certificate
To my Artfire shop. She ordered Beads, Pony Tail Holder and a Pendant
I also sent her a large free bead soup and a custom Aeco that matches her Blog Banner for fun
Click the Aeco Below to Read a Blog From Krafty Max Originals
to View The Giveaway:
I'm looking Forward to doing another one Really soon and I think it will be an Aeco
I love Creating them. I have two Started now and They are really pretty.
May 2012
My one and only Runway Event ~ NOT.
I went into our Local Fashion Bug to buy a shirt.
I was of course wearing my jewelry.
They asked where I bought it and I told them From me, I make it.
They asked if I had a card. I told them Yes.
A few hours later they called and asked If I would like my Art Jewelry
Featured in their Fashion Show. They have one every year.
I was so honored that they wanted My Jewelry in their Show & Displayed There.
I'm already invited back for next year.
They ask local Artists to come and set up their displays.
I was the first Jewelry Artist they ever invited. My Jewelry was worn during the show with their cloths.
I was able to set up my huge display for free and had a wonderful day.
We had our hair done by Beauticians there, A Professional Photographer took a full
Photo Shoot of everyone for Free. It was so fun. I got suckered into being a
Model for their cloths for the day at the last minute. I had fun though.
I know it seems like I'm busy all the time.
I'm Not I create a few hours everyday & plan the rest.
I find I'm bored and Want to do more.
I want to create and teach more than I do sell.
I enjoy working with people & helping them be happy more than anything.
That is probably why I enjoy custom orders
I also love creating special free surprise gifts for every buyer.
I love just asking their favorite color and them opening up
the package with a gift inside.
Making someone elses day brighter makes me happy.
I truly Look forward to leading others towards Polymer Clay.
I know that Once they hold that clay in their hand they will be happily
Hooked Just like I am. Well maybe not as bad as me but close.
I love a challenge. I want a challenge everyday.
I love to be inspired that way.
So Challenge Me, Let Me create Your One of a Kind Treasure.
I have so many ideas to share and I Hope you keep coming back for them.
Blessings & Thanks To Everyone
This is my Fun Before and after 6 months photo.
The Pink on the Right was my First attempt day 1 of Clay Creating.
My fist every clay creation a swirled Pendant
The one on the left was a remake of it 6 months later. It sold a few days after making it.
I love clay and love growing with it.
Just some fun Custom Orders That I have Made Over the last year and of course
Butterflies & Flowers.
Custom Order Barrette ~ Snow Tiger
I could add millions of photos all day.
I hope you stop by my Artfire Gallery to View more Fun Items
Click the Gallery Link Below to Take you There.
Thank you For Stopping
I appreciate Your Support for Me
and all Handcrafted Artisans
Email me with any questions Just click the Contact Me button Day or Night
Create With Heart, Love, Color and Bling
My Special Blog Posts ~ Take a moment to Read Them
I has been a pleasure getting to know more about you!
loved reading your story..your jewelry and clay pieces are absolutely beautiful..very intersting..your family is beautiful as well as your pets.
Wonderful post. Intertwining the family with your love of life. Be Blessed.
Your designs have always been amazing.
I used to have a Meyer Parrot named Merlin. He loved to play with the beads as
What a lovely family you have. You do not look old enough to have grown children.
A beautiful blog and wonderful products for sell.
Lovely post Kimberly. Your jewelry creations are just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Good to see you!
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