Polyform Products July Make-It-Your-Own Contest
July's Make-It-Your-Own Contest from the sculpey.com site - Let your imagination take flight; create a project using premo! Mini Cutters.This month’s prize is 30 colors of premo!, premo! Accents or Sculpey III, your choice. Post your entries right here on our Facebook page. Good Luck!
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I of course have a ton of Mini Cutters. I go to look in my cutter drawers. I only have shapes and flowers and the ones that were shown in the original piece. I thought of many things to make but was not to excited. So I ran to Joanns in Petoskey which rarely has any new supplies. Woo Hoo Jack pot, they had several new ones that I have never seen before. So I was very inspired and have been playing with them all week. I had about 4 projects started and wanted to create away but only one needed to be entered. This one meant the most to me.
I was inspired by the Premo Mini Cutters Baby
To see all the fun cutters Polyform has (Sculpey)
Why these cutters inspired me. When I saw all of the shapes I immediatly thought of my baby in heaven. I lost my baby in September of 2002 but I think of the baby everyday. I know no one wants to hear that. It was a good thought and the baby inspires me alot. I dont have a baby book for my baby so I thought Ill make a sweet baby book with clay. I can keep it forever and with all these little cutters I had so many ideas. So I went to work a few days later creating "Our Baby Book" and was happy the whole time and really inspired. I have ideas for more pages in the future. :)
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Beginning to end the creation of " Our Baby Book" - Polyform Products Make-It-Your-Own July Challenge - Mini Cutters by Premo
Premo and Sculpey Products Used in this project
Premo & Sculpey Clays - Many Colors
Mini Cutters - Shapes
Mini Cutters - Baby
Blade & Sculpting Tool
Bake and Bond by Sculpey
Liquid Clay by Sculpey
Tools used on my project
Sculpey Cutters used, I used every one out of the Baby set & two out of the shapes (heart & square)
sewing measuring ruler: Walmart sewing section the blue thing slides-love it
I love these tools. Penni Jo's for shaping and forming all the detailed parts on the babys face, arms and legs. Cforiginals for all the texture on the animals. My Sculpey cutters for the cute little shapes that brought my baby book to life. My premo clay (the best) that brought color and life to my project. And of course what would a project be without Swarovski Crystals - Oh ya there on there, lots!!!
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Now I have my tools, my clay and so much inspiration:
Condition, Flatten some clay through a pasta machine and Im all ready to work

Some pages for my book and Im ready to sculpt and cut and make my creation. Some blue and white should work. Of course Id like all pink but we have to think there may be a chance it was a boy so Im being fair to my little angel. Lol
First Page of the book Started - Now Im hooked
Finished this then went to bed. Layed there and layed there and got up and finished it completely. I couldnt wait. I started sculpting the hair with my
Cf originals tools and I was having way to much fun to stop. I cut out the baby in the cling with the Sculpey mini Baby Cutters & lots more fun stuff and kept on claying. Much needed Clay thereapy. Sleep will come another day
Then I made the big mistake of making my baby. Oh no Ill never sleep. Cut out the cute onzie with the cutter and started playing with my
Penni Jo tools sculpting the face, putting little dents in the elbow, chin and knees. lol too cute.
Sleep time. Lets see what a few days work brings.
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Well with some string and lots of love & finished my piece. Now to turn the pages of the book to show you my work. Such a fun project made with lots of love and smiles.
This is the "Our Baby Book" Page by page. Front cover is a Stork carrying a bundle of joy to a happily waiting family. I sculpted the stork by hand with clay and added swarovski crystal for his eye. Used the Premo Baby cutters for the Hearts and The Baby in the Sling. Such a cute cutter. I had fun giving it definition and textures. Topped it with a cute little curl of blong hair for fun.

Page two is our Babys "1sts", First curl on bottom right, First bath on top Right made with a Premo Mini Duck Cutter. Top left is a Premo Mini Bear cutter, Left side is a Premo Mini square cutter that I made into a baby letter block, bottom left is a Premo Mini Rocking Horse from the cutters. The baby started as a Premo Mini Onzie cutter and I added lots of fun accents. Sculpted face, arms, hands, legs right down to dimples in the elbows, fingers and knees. I added matching baby maryjane booties, a blue an pink skinner blend swirled blankie and a pretty blue bow, a binkie in the babys mouth and last but not least a Baby bottle made from the Premo Mini Cutters.

Page Three, doesnt fit the color scheme, but we all know babys love black and reds so I wanted to add that love in this book. Plus it matched the colors of the page. I used Premo Mini cutters hands and feet for the babys first hand and feet prints. Too cute. I Made a rattle to match these colors with the Premo mini Rattle cutter, A heart for a little love from the mini Premo Heart cutter. Some swarovski Crystals of course needed some bling and a ? mark for lbs. & Inches. Since I dont have my babys I just left it like this. It looks cute and finished and I was happy with it.

Page Four, Our angel in Heaven Page. The end of this book but not the end of my memories of "Our Angel" . I sculpted a little baby angel face. With the Premo Cutters I made a double heart using the mini Large Heart and Mini small heart, Premo Baby bootie cutter, Premo Baby Carriage Cutter and a premo baby Heart Cutter to finish it up. I added some clouds like the heavens and one last heart for more love. I really enjoyed this project. I have it displayed by my kids photos. More photos below of close ups. Hope you like it too. Stop by Polyform to show some love and like my project.
Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed my baby book as much as I did making it. The little cutters were a clever way to create lots of fun things for any baby book if you wanted to use them for yours. You could easily make clay appliques for your baby books and add them with a touch of glue. It would be a fun project for all ages since this would be a intermediate project for those creating with clay. Except for the details of the baby face and bird but I would be happy to help anyone learning to sculpt with those parts of it. Have fun creating and Thank you for supporting Handmade.
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Kimberly Idalski from Kimi's Jewelry & Gifts
Find me and my work @
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Im doing three free giveaways.
One is on my Facebook Business Page
Kimi's Jewelry & Gifts
Go to my page and like it and you will be entered in the $25 gift certificate giveaway Im doing at 100 likes. No cost, no spam, just like and share if you want. The sooner I get 100 likes the sooner you could win.
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My other two free Giveaways are on my blog right here. A free "Lori Love Ring" or a free gift certificate to my shop. To find out more see this blog post:
Here is the ring and other prizes
" Lori Love Pear Rose Vitrail Ring Giveaway"
Gift certificate goes to the group member that gets the most people to come join, see rules on my blog post above. $25 free gift certificate to my Artfire shop. Win free Jewelry of your choice.
To Win You Have To JOIN my Blog!!!
Thanks and Hugs, Kim