Sorry I have to do a little Ranting. You can skip down to the giveaway section if you want :) . What is up with FACEBOOKS new DO'S AND DONTS for business owners. Its sad and almost mean at times.
Recently I had a bad experience with giveaways on facebook. They listed things you had to do to win. Which included going to a list of people pages, liking the pages, posting a thank you on the pages. After doing that to several pages on the list. I received a message from facebook telling me that my facebook page was put on suspension for this reason : posting spam on business pages and or sending friend requests of people that I do not know. Well I didnt send any friend requests. The only thing I had done was like the pages that I was instructed to like per the Artist doing the giveaway. I was put on suspension for 12 days. :( .. Do you know how hard it is not to like things you see on facebook? Very Hard. But Its not on every page. Only pages that you can LIKE. Im allowed to like posts but not on a Page that is a LIKE page. Talk about confusing. If you by mistake LIKE something they suspend you for an additional three times per LIKE or if you send any friend requests an additional five days suspension is given. UGH. So Im afraid to do anything on there. I did a little research on this suspension. To see if I explained if I could get it lifted. You cannot get a suspension lifted wether it was by mistake or on purpose. You just have to wait it out. I also found out who caused me to get the suspension. The person doing the giveaway. WHAT??? Yes its true. Apparently she must not of realized how much attention a giveaway would get on her page or how many posts and or emails she would get. So every post that was connected to the giveaway she declinded and marked as spam. So all of us that liked that givaway and every page involved were suspended. Sad but true. So I have learned my lesson. I only participate in givaways from actual business not GIVEAWAY LIKE PAGES. There are so many that say like our page and we will promote yours. Ever notice that never happens. Im sad this happened. And what was bad was I could not even email the person that caused this because when I did I got one more day suspension because I emailed a LIKE page. lol Crazy Right? Im sad that I cant like pages or participate in other things on like pages for my friends that have like pages. I cant even include myself on them. So to all my sweet business friends Im sorry if you dont see me post or like what you make for awhile. I have been bad and cant. Lol. I couldnt even join in on a contest that I join every month with Polyform Products because it is a LIKE page. I had to use my private facebook to post my work. Frustrating. So my hands have been slapped and I promise not to ever like more than one page at a time again. lol. All of facebooks new rules for business owners is really quite depressing. I would understand if they said business owners have to pay a small fee everymonth to have their business that I can understand. But to have to pay to have people see each post or like each post. That is really sad. Alot of us artists depend on facebook to find business partners, supplies, and buyers. Its really hard to be an artist out there especially when you create handmade items. I know some people dont like to see all the business posts that they feel facebook is for family and friends. That is why I have a family friends facebook page and a business Facebook. So if my friends/family dont want to see every business or sale related post they dont have to be bothered. But for facebook to limit us and also facebook users to what they can and cant see is very petty.
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(¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The first Giveaway I won ჱܓƸӜƷ
I love Art
All my life things have happened in THREE'S and it was always bad. It was so nice the last two months some really fun things happened, first three then jumped to four. Im so excited so share
all of these things with you. I hope that you stop by each and every persons sites to show them
some love because they have definatly enlightend my life with some. On facebook I joined a few
givaways. There are giveaways posted by the hundreds everyday. Ive had wonderful experiences last month with giveaways I won FOUR times. Woo Hoo. How exciting is that.
One day while looking at pages and groups on facebook. I came across an artist that paints gorgeous flowers, scenery and just about anything. She is very talented. I watched her page for awhile always enjoying seeing her posts. She posted a givaway. I joined not thinking I would win but hey you never know. A few weeks later I check back and woo hoo I had won. I didnt even realize it. The artist is Amber Hernandez she does amazing work and donates alot to charity which I think is wonderful. I do the same and nothing makes you feel better than giving and knowing you helped someone. Im a big fan of her work. After winning her givaway it gave me inspiration to start making polymer clay Aecos. I didnt at that time know what an Aeco was. Looking at photos of others work I thougth they were big. Needless to say my Aecos are not Aecos. lol Mine are large squares but I enjoyed them and she helped work outside my comfort zone so I thank her for that. Here is her amazing Aeco that now is displayed lovingly on my shelf by my family photos.

Please stop by her sites and check out her amazing art. She even does custom orders.
Amber Hernandez
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(¸.•´ (¸.•` Thank You Amber♥
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The next Giveaway I won ჱܓƸӜƷ
Kimmy loves Bling
I love doing collections to help promote other shops on Artfire and Etsy. So one day I was searching Artfire and came across a beautiful jewelry shop and loved that she made things from her grandmothers stash she calls it. Her work is gorgeous. I found her on facebook. Liked her page and joined her blog. I joined a contest she was having a few weeks later. I received an email that I had won one of the prizes. I was so excited. I didnt know what it was. She emailed me the details and I was given a gift certificate for her shop. Ok every woman loves to shop so I was so excited. I had my eye on a few pieces. I thought about it a few days and then I saw one of her blog posts on night at midnight. I read them everynight even still. I love pink and wow did she post a lovely treasure for sale. I fell in love and had to have it. So that is what I spent my gift certificate on. It was also one of her grandmas stash creations. So I was even more honored to have it. I keep it very safe and have loved wearing it. I get so many compliments and When I won I told her to send me cards. When I wear another artists work I always pass out their business card. I like to promote for others not just myself. I support handmade 100% and love sharing. So now I want to share with you what I won. Its Breathtaking :) !!!!!!

Gorgeous isnt it and its sooo Pink and sooooo me. I love it. So you should stop by and see her work
everything is gorgeous and show her some love.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` Thank You Max♥
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The next Giveaway I won ჱܓƸӜƷ
Love Lamp Work Beads
Anyone that knows me knows I love love love Lamp Work glass I have quite a stash. That I hate to part with but have been slowly letting it trickle out of my hands and into customers. Sigh... I have seen so many amazing Lamp Work Glass artists on Etsy since I started selling there. It is one thing I would love to be able to do. But alas I have tremors and do not think it would be to safe of a project. Ill stick with my clay and jewelry and leave the glass to the experts like this Nikki Lynn Carollo the Sheep Goddess from NLC Beads. I had been a not just a liker but a big Liker of her page on facebook for awhile. Who wouldnt be. Her work is not only adorable but amazing, fun and beautiful. I was so excited when I saw her giveaway I had to join. A few weeks later I received and email that I had won. NO WAY. Two giveaways. I never win anything. SERIOUSLY NEVER. Hmm maybe I should play the lotto. hmm. Ok back to the fun stuff. Her giveaway was a "your choice of one of her beads from her Etsy shop" I had already been drooling over many pieces for months before this giveaway. So I was so excited to see that my favorite piece of lamp work glass was there. An adorable Pink (Pink is my favorite color) froggie. How cute is this:

Isnt she adorable? I love her. I will share soon what I made with her. I will do a blog just on lamp work beads soon and will include my sweet little froggie in it. So please stop by and show my
artist friend some well deserved love and business. You wont be sorry her beads are amazing.
Nikki Lynn Carollo
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(¸.•´ (¸.•` Thank You Nikki♥
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The next Giveaway I won ჱܓƸӜƷ
I was searching for molds and stamps to use with polymer clay. I always see other artists using them but didnt know where to find good ones. This artist
came highly recomended by my dear friend Valerie Cook. When she says
something or someone are good I know they are. She has great taste. So I started looking on Etsy at molds. Saw that she had a blog and a note on Etsy to come join it. So I did. She happened to be having an anniversary giveaway. There were rules you had to share on facebook, like different things, pick out your favorite molds (which was hard because I had about 50 in my Etsy cart that I was drooling over). And a few other fun things. I enjoyed the giveaway adventure and never thought about it again. Placed an order with her that night and was so excited to get my molds in the mail. I emailed her asking for a certain type of mold and she responded within a few short minutes (that is the customer service I like) . I believe you should email your customers that same day. Not once a week like some sellers. I try to answer my emails within a half hour. So instantly I was pleased and placed my order after she guided me to the items I wanted. :). I received my order and fell in love. Made another wish list on both of her Etsy sites. I cant believe the selection. Anyways a few short weeks later I had subscribed to her blog and I saw my name with a huge star around it that I was the winner. NO WAY. I did the happy dance. Yes Im a dork. Wait till you see what I won. I hit the mold jackpot baby. And so can you, she has a giveaway every month. so go join her blog now: you could be the next winner. You will be hooked just like me :). Here are my winnings. I will share my creations from her molds in another blog with a free tutorial with me using them.

WOW Right. I was so excited when I opened the box it was like Christmas :).
Please check out her blog, and her shops and show her some love and if your looking for molds you cant loose with hers. They truly are wonderful. I fell in love with them before I Even knew about the givaway. Here is how to find her:
Julie Bearden
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(¸.•´ (¸.•` Thank You Julie♥
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ The next Giveaway I won ჱܓƸӜƷ
Kimmy loves loves Butterflies
On a friends facebook page I saw a post asking for you to share your favorite butterfly photo. That was easy. I have this one photo I found shortly after my sister passed away a beautiful butterfly on what looks like lilacs. Lilacs remind me of my sister that is now an angel in heaven. So when I see them or
smell them I think of here. For some reason when I see a butterfly I always think of her too. When Im creating with butterflys I think of her. I dont know why there is the connection. All I know is they make me smile, I think they are lovely and amazing. So I shared the photo on her page. She told me that I needed to share the photo on another page that it was a giveaway. So I went to the facebook page and posted my photo and story. It was a random giveaway of an amazing lamp Work glass butterfly. I fell in love. I checked out the artists pages for his items for sale just waiting for that beautiful butterfly to go up for sale. Just last week I received a friend request from someone that I didnt know. I get hundreds of those a day. I accepted and it was the butterfly artist telling me I had won his givaway. OK I REALLY DID THE HAPPY DANCE AFTER THAT. I had just been on his facebook Like page earlier because he posted new photos of butterfly pendants and there was a purple one that I couldnt stop drooling over (but I couldnt comment on his page because of the suspension :( ) . Who would of thought a few short hours later I would get an email from him that I won. Wow. JACKPOT. I recieved my butterfly in the mail today and couldnt wait to share. I hope you all stop by his page and show him some love and his etsy and make a purchase. You wont be sorry, his work is gorgeous. If you love butterflys you have to get one. I know Im on the wish list for the purple one and I made sure to let him know so I can buy it soon. Its was surprising too that its blue that was my sisters favorite color. Well she flew in today and all I can say is WOW.

Please stop by my new artist friends shops and facebook and show some support and love.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` Thank You Wesley♥
Now that Im done sharing all of my good fortune. I want to remind everyone after reading to please JOIN my blog. On the right side of the blog under my facebook box there is a blue button that says Join. Press that and follow the instructions. After I have 50 members on my blog I will be doing a giveaway on this ring. A Swarovski Crystal Pear & Silver Ring, the Stone is a Rose Vitrial Light Swarovski Crystal Pear Stone it is gorgeous 18mm x 10mm. Big Beautiful Bling. Will be made in the winners ring size.
Rose Vitrial Light & Fuchsia Ab & Rose Ab2x Swarovski Crystals |
I cant wait to share it with the someone soon. So share with your friends about the blog. The sooner I get 50 members the sooner you have a chance to win. I will do another giveaway at 100 members so promote and invite and win win win. Hugs to all and blessings. Thank you for stopping by, promoting and shopping handmade.
I have a facebook fan page or LIKE page. After I have 100 likes (members) I will be giving away a $25.00 gift certificate that is good on anything the winner wants in my Artfire store. Not a cash value. It is for purchases at my Artfire Store only. . Here is what your certificate will look like :
TO WIN THIS $25 gift certificate. Come LIKE my facebook page and share and promote so others will too. The sooner I get to 100 likes the sooner you could win. Im excited to have the giveaway I will have another at 200 likes. Here is the link to my page for you to Like and share.
So come join the fun and share the post or this blog link with friends and family and you could win.
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Tommorows Blog ჱܓƸӜƷ
Stop by tommorow to see a few more rings I have finished and some amazing new colors and settings. Im working on all of the colors and photos so that you can see everything I have available or what I can get in a few short days if you want a different color. I know your going to love the new rings and I think once you see the giveaway ring you will want one for too :). If your interesed in one now in a color from yesterdays blog email me for info on it.
Be sure to stop by my shops everything is 50% off or more.
Use this coupon for an additional 10% off for the holiday only. Expires on July 5, 2012. coupon code at checkout : KIMISBLOG . if you want something off my etsy site I can move it to artfire for the sale just send me an email. I can do that for you in a few short minutes and list it as a reserved for you.
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Have a wonderful weekend & Fourth of July ჱܓƸӜƷ
As always Blessings and Many Thanks for your continued support and for Promoting, Loving, Blogging, Sharing and Shoping Handmade.
ჱܓƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Kimberly ჱܓƸӜƷ
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(¸.•´ (¸*´¨(♥ Create with Love, Color & Bling ♥
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